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BOB II - Screen Resolution

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I recently acquired BOB II after having read good things about it. I haven't done a lot with it so far as the game doesn't want to accept my screen resolution (1280 x 1024). I go into 'options', tell it what I want (i.e., the numbers already given) and go off for a bit of flying. However, at the end of the mission, I'm sent to a page with a resolution of 1024 x 768 and I'm unable to see all of it, and thus cannot exit properly. I should note that my BOB version is 2.04 (I know there are updates, but I want to sort this out first). Is there a trick into getting BOB II to stick with a chosen screen resolution (the one the player wants, not the one the game chooses)? I'd like to investigate the game more, but this is getting annoying.


(I should note that I tried everything on 1024 x 768............. and things worked, but I'd rather make use of higher settings. I've also looked around the intertubes but haven't come up with much.)


Thanks in advance.



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Hi Hinch,


You probably know this already, but 2.04 is a long way behind the curve of what BoB II is capable of, and there are some pre-2.09 release patches already available which really ramp things up in terms of ground objects. So, my advice, FWIIW, is to patch up to the latest build and take it from there.


As I still run a CRT on 1024x768 as my baseline (Yabba-dabba-doo!) and that works great for BoB II, I can't really help with your specific issue. I recently had some trouble getting the 2.08 build to work, which was solved by the guys over on the shockwave forums (disable resident shield in AVG) very quickly.


So, if no-one round here knows how to help, I thoroughly recommend posting on the shockwave forums as the heirs of what was BoB-MA dev group are pathological about getting everyone up and running with BoB II. And yes, it is worth the effort :good::biggrin:

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Thanks Baltika. Looks like I'll have to tackle that large patch download. Was hoping to have things sorted beforehand. Oh well.

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I just got this sim today via download. I've installed the 2.08 patch plus multiskin.


I use a CH Products stick and throttle and while the game recognizes the stick, the throttle (after I assigned it) works backwards.


I have the same issue with the screen res as Hinch. It is low and really lousy, no matter what I set it at.


Where is the key listing? I'd like to map my stick/throttle.




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Disregard. Went over to the A2A Sim/Shockwave forums and read through the Tech Support threads. I'm slowly getting this thing playable.



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A2A is the place for BoB2. This is really a great sim, you will not regret whatever effort you put into it.

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I just got this sim today via download. I've installed the 2.08 patch plus multiskin.


I use a CH Products stick and throttle and while the game recognizes the stick, the throttle (after I assigned it) works backwards.


I have the same issue with the screen res as Hinch. It is low and really lousy, no matter what I set it at.


Where is the key listing? I'd like to map my stick/throttle.







I read a few things at various sites and discovered, for some reason, that my screen resolution (1280x1024) won't stick........... instead I have to use 1280x960 (I think). Bizarre, but it seems to work....... and the game accepts the setting. It's worth the effort as the game is tremendous, although the ins and outs of the campaign leave me a little confused at times.............. plus I'm crap in the stupendous aerial scraps, what with 50+ planes diving and weaving around. I spend most of my time just looking around trying to work out what the hell is going on. Suffice to say, I wouldn't have lasted five minutes over the white cliffs in real life.

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Actually, that's probably more realistic than most sims. Even those of us simmers who rate ourselves as "poor" will get dozens of kills in a campaign. How many pilots in real life ever did that? I'm not talking about the ones that died (as all of us have at one time or another in a sim), but pilots that fought a whole tour, or in the case of some Axis pilots the entire war, and never even got 5 kills?

More often than not there were long stretches without air combat, where planes would tangle and maybe one plane would take some damage, where over a dozen planes could engage and there would be NO kills, followed by them breaking off and going home. Only in sims do AI always pursue you until they die or you do.

If you get in a massive furball like that, and neither die nor get a kill, I'd say that's a great recreation of the actual war right there!

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