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Bristol Blenheim and Beaufighters crash to desktop after patch

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hi guys, I just noticed that the bristol beaufighter and blenheim planes crash to desktop, whereas before patch, thye were working. i did not mess with the plane folders as other planes work. Anyone else having a prob? thx. Dont know who made them.

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One of the reasons we DON'T patch our WW2 installs of SF/WoV/WoE, and don't use the WW2 birds in WoI


Check the literally DOZENS of post on the subject.


Might want to let Capun know, too



kevin stein

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player, but the other plnes work such as he-111's, wrench's mods and work done by others. Just these ones.

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More thought....


what terrain, and what airfield? Meaning, that in a lot of the older WW2 terrains, there are FAAAAR too many squadrons assigned to them. Runway3 (the most popular) should only have 1.


Check the MinBaseSize= in the data inis


check the tailwheel steering angle; if its a negative number, switch to a positive, ie:




change to




98.6% ™ of the DAT birds use negative numbers.


was there any error message with the crash? The llittle M$ popup has a 'click here to see what this message entails) or some such noise. It'll tell you if its a dll problem, and which one.


Jounce/rebound on the main gears will also be fouled up -- almost EVERY ww2 plane needs the spring/damping factors tweeked waaaay up.


There's more, but I can't think of them right now.... :dntknw:



kevin stein

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