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Random Thought In A Scattered Mind

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This popped into my head today at work, writing down todays date, 12 DEC 08, I had a memory from my days as a Roof Rat. In 1980 I had to refuel an EA-3D for that days flight. The fuel point is in the left main mount bay and I had to climb inside to get to it. With nothing to do as the Whale took it's 20k+ pounds of fuel I read the builders plate, date of acceptance 12 DEC 59. I was working on a bird six months older than me. For some reason that old Skywarrior came to mind today, I hope it's enjoying a retirement in a museum or a air stations "petting zoo".


Nothing important like I said just a random thought.

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Great thread title!!!


Those are, pretty much, the only kind of thoughts I HAVE been having of late!!!!


Very cool factoid on the Whale!



kevin sten

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Cool factoid. Funny how little things like that memory will pop into your mind. Makes me smile when I remember something like that.

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Dont know if I'm jacking this thread but here are some goodies:-


Are 8 yr olds who fight during their hockey games having a bad influence on NHL players


Why is a building called a building, once it's finished shouldn't it be called a BUILT ?


Do ageing skinheads worry about hair growth ?


What do you yell at a duck to lower it's head ?


Royal CAF ! :biggrin:

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Hmm, interesting coincidence. Funny how the mind works.



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