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Sick of facing those tame blue SAMs?


How about meeting someone new :biggrin: ?



The weapon's done, and will soon be deployed on a new FREDA frigate...


In the meantime, any information concerning the damage model used by TK sim is welcome (I don't want to make the frigate "killable" by a single 30 mm shot or a lone Maverick missile)...

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Armor it with titanium? approx 100mm worth??


I've just been noticing some of our Battleships are armoured VERY low -- 25mm of steell? The Abarms for the DS mod has got 250mm worth -- takes 3 direct hits from a T-72 to kill it.


I'd try upping the armor values considerably; which may create the problem of YOU not being able to kill with a single weapons (or having to use a REALLLLY big one), as your wingmates will probably NOT attack YOUR target.



kevin stein

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Armor it with titanium? approx 100mm worth??


I've just been noticing some of our Battleships are armoured VERY low -- 25mm of steell? The Abarms for the DS mod has got 250mm worth -- takes 3 direct hits from a T-72 to kill it.


I'd try upping the armor values considerably; which may create the problem of YOU not being able to kill with a single weapons (or having to use a REALLLLY big one), as your wingmates will probably NOT attack YOUR target.



kevin stein


it's a matter of try and error


we must increase boats and battleship armour until they can't be sunk by at least a 500 pound bomb.

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it's a matter of try and error


we must increase boats and battleship armour until they can't be sunk by at least a 500 pound bomb.


The thickness of a BB's side belt traditionally matched the diameter of its main battery round. Using this generalized formula, a BB with 16" (400+ mm) main guns, would have 400 mm's worth of protection on its hull sides and turretts. The deck armor would be thinner, but would be "progressive" as one went further down into the BB's innards.


Only an armor-piercing 2000 lb bomb would be capable of causing significant damage to such a beast, and then only if it found a chink in the BB's armor, near or above a vital or vulnerable area (powder magazine, machinery spaces, etc.).

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Here's an image of a US 16" inch, 2200 lb shell, to give you an idea as to what a BB was theoretically armored against:



A link providing a nice explanation of the construction and armor protection of the USS Massachusetts:


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