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Smoke and fire effect for damaged ships?

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Hi, iw as wondering if smoke and flame effect was available or feasible in ships that are damaged via ordnance or strafing. I know the fuel tanks in the game have that fire effect in the distance. Is it possible to use that effect on a damged ship?

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It can be set in the types ini, if you use ships as terrain ground objects. Also, can be set in the ships data ini ... IN SOME CASES!!


Unfortunately, only the 2 stock ships (cargo ship and tanker) have a 'damaged' or 'destroyed' model ... all the others will just sit there until they sink, fully 'intact' or just plane disappear.


This is a small tweek of the original CargoShip"




FullName=Cargo Ship (Maru)












DamagedModel=CargoShip_damaged.LOD <--


DestroyedModel=CargoShip_destroyed.LOD <--






You'll note the existence of the damaged and destroyed LODs. Whereas we look at the 'Destroyer':



















You'll see it dosen't.

You can always swap out various "DestroyedEffects" from other items. Baltika used the "AmmoDumpExplosion" and "ShipDestroyedEffect" for the ships in his Phillipines 1941 map.


And befour you ask, YES, I have tried creating a destroyed model and skin via copy/rename and hex edit lods, for test purposes, on the DATs Liberty ship, with no results. Even editing the inis to point to these 'new' destroyed models residing in a multitude of places...the Liberty's main folder, the main /Objects folder, the main /GroundObjects folder, and even in the terrain folder.

Never figured out if it's a path problem, data ini problem, or just in models themselves. Example:




DestroyedModel=Liberty_Destroyed.LOD <--







in the above, I've got the destroyed LOD is residing in the MAIN Liberty folder. Nevr got it to work



kevin stein

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Interesting, I was thinking of the smoke and flame effect from CFS 2 where if you strafe or damage the ship, you have a fire and smoke effect while moving. Guess we have to wait for something like this in SF.

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Don't know if having a 'damaged effect' is possible...


Theoreticaly it may be possible, via data ini edits of the various ships:




DamagedEffect=LargeFireEffect <---








You'll have to add it, run some A-S missions, and see if it works.



kevin stein

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Well, been testing it for the last hour and half, and I can confidently say...


It don't work.


Added the damaged effect to BOTH data inis and the terrain types ini (in this case, New Guiena, as it's got plenty of shipping routes), to ALL the ships (cargoship, tanker, liberty, my USN cargo ship), and all I get is nothing. Just a destroyed ship when it sinks.


It may be like the removing meshes via dat ini edits, it only works on aircraft not ground objects.


DAMN! that sucks! would be nice to see ships afire from strafing damge (expecially when using the 75mm gun on the B-25H!)


You all can continue experimentating, but I can't get it to work... RATTSSS!!!!



kevin stein

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Well, been testing it for the last hour and half, and I can confidently say...


It don't work.


Added the damaged effect to BOTH data inis and the terrain types ini (in this case, New Guiena, as it's got plenty of shipping routes), to ALL the ships (cargoship, tanker, liberty, my USN cargo ship), and all I get is nothing. Just a destroyed ship when it sinks.


It may be like the removing meshes via dat ini edits, it only works on aircraft not ground objects.


DAMN! that sucks! would be nice to see ships afire from strafing damge (expecially when using the 75mm gun on the B-25H!)


You all can continue experimentating, but I can't get it to work... RATTSSS!!!!



kevin stein



How does it work on the tanks, these are ground objects and I know that I have seen destroyed tanks after the kill. At least I think I have.

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Ships sink.

do you know if there is any parameter to measure the Ship sinking time?

i don't even think in the real life one Frigate would take 3 seconds to hit the ocean bottom...

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Yes, there is a variable that controls a ship's sink rate. However, in RL, ships tend to slow to a stop as they sink. It's somewhat of an immersion-killer to see a ship crusing along at 15 knots, on its side, half submerged, leaving a wake, and not sinking :no:

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Tanks have a _destroyed.lod called out in their inis. Stock ones, and a lot of the 3rd party made AFVs also use it. It's built into the Objects.cat, as are the destroyed and damaged lods for the 2 stock ships.


Silverbolt: ever looked at the stock ships data inis???


SinkTime= (in seconds)


A lot of the ship mods are missing this parameter. Takes just a few seconds to add it. Larger ships, ie Carriers and battleships (exepting HOOD and BARHAM perhaps...) would have the extended to apporx 60 or even longer*, depending on the damge inflicted and ship size. Warships are DEFINATELY more survivable than a thin-skinned cargo ship. The tanker should also be extended, due to the use of double hulls.


Ships sink.


You all know that in Real Life ™, Ed's a boat skipper. His last command was RMS Titanic....which is why he sticks to warm waters :rofl: Like the Bermuda Triangle!!!



kevin stein


*historically, look at the time it took for ships like YORKTOWN, WASP, GAMBIER BAY to finally slip beneath the waves...even LEXINGTON didnt want to sink; we had to put her down ourselves via torpedoes from the escorting destroyers. And it still took a long time.

Or, the CROSSROADS nuke tests at Bikini and Eniwitok ....

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Silverbolt: ever looked at the stock ships data inis???


SinkTime= (in seconds)

Actually not :blush: :lazy2:

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Tanks have a _destroyed.lod called out in their inis. Stock ones, and a lot of the 3rd party made AFVs also use it. It's built into the Objects.cat, as are the destroyed and damaged lods for the 2 stock ships.


Silverbolt: ever looked at the stock ships data inis???


SinkTime= (in seconds)


A lot of the ship mods are missing this parameter. Takes just a few seconds to add it. Larger ships, ie Carriers and battleships (exepting HOOD and BARHAM perhaps...) would have the extended to apporx 60 or even longer*, depending on the damge inflicted and ship size. Warships are DEFINATELY more survivable than a thin-skinned cargo ship. The tanker should also be extended, due to the use of double hulls.




You all know that in Real Life , Ed's a boat skipper. His last command was RMS Titanic....which is why he sticks to warm waters :rofl: Like the Bermuda Triangle!!!



kevin stein


*historically, look at the time it took for ships like YORKTOWN, WASP, GAMBIER BAY to finally slip beneath the waves...even LEXINGTON didnt want to sink; we had to put her down ourselves via torpedoes from the escorting destroyers. And it still took a long time.

Or, the CROSSROADS nuke tests at Bikini and Eniwitok ....



Warships have a lot of extra bulkheads to make a hit survible. We ran drills 4 to 5 days a week on how to stop the water from coming in and make the repairs to keep us combat ready. While the tanker does have a double hull (at least the newer one do), the cargo is extremely flamable. It makes a very good boom. Depending on what hits it, it could literally disappear, or take hours to sink if at all.



Former sub sailor.

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Hello everyone, need help.

I am designing a ship and not know the significance of this line

affects the damage on the ship? how?







StructuralFactor=300.0 <-----this line















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I think is the weight of the boat.

I'm not sure.

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Hello everyone, need help.

I am designing a ship and not know the significance of this line

affects the damage on the ship? how?


StructuralFactor=300.0 <-----this line



That line sets the "strength" of a structure, that is, how much damage it can sustain before it's either destroyed or damaged.

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