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Can anyone tell me which files to drop into my desert terrain from CA_Stary's Desert and Israel2 ground environment update in order to have the upgrade with buildings only?

I was able to add 'desert style' palm trees to my desert terrain some months ago by simply dropping the tree files from the fabulous Libya terrain, so obviously I don't need to change that. Hey; if it's not broken, why fix it?

So on the subject of adding those new style buildings only - can anyone help out?

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All the trees and 'citybuildingsclusters' are in the TOD files, that are named exactly the same as the terrain tiles


Unfortunately, I havn't seen (meaning I'been too buzy/lazy to get the CA_Stary's new ones..) the desert and I2


If you're meaning those high-rise clusters I added to the Isreal2 map, they're in the "City1.tod". You'll also need to associated bmp for the building skins (terrobjectsbuildings1.bmp) These were 'borrowed' from either Gepards or Polaks terrain, don't rmember exaclty who's


As to the transitions, desert-sea, desert-farm, deter-mountain, etc, just look for those TODs. Lookin inside the new data ini, in the tiles lisitng, and it'll tell you which AlphaOjbcet to use, meaning which 'vegatation' tga to add to the terrain folder. Make sure you edit (AND BACKUP!!!! FIRST) the terrains' data ini.


You'll probably have to add both, or do some renaming if you want to keep those stunted palms I used in Lybia.



kevin stein

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Thanks Wrench. As I speak, the Dhimari and Parani governments have initiated massive construction projects to rebuild their towns, cities and ports.... :moil:

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Hello Ultramax


All tod files with *City* in their names should do it, also you'll have to copy the terobject_buildings1.bmp texture and texture references from data ini included with the mod :-) (all that point to the TOD files you copy)


I can't garantee 100% proper working of such merged mods :bad:

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Hello Ultramax


All tod files with *City* in their names should do it, also you'll have to copy the terobject_buildings1.bmp texture and texture references from data ini included with the mod :-) (all that point to the TOD files you copy)


I can't garantee 100% proper working of such merged mods :bad:



Thanks CA :good: . The environment is a lot more picturesque since adding the new buildings only to the city areas. The old default buildings were more like mud huts by comparison.

BTW, did you get my message on the 'Four Seasons' thread?

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BTW, did you get my message on the 'Four Seasons' thread?


Answering nw

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