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Improved AI in WOE update Oct2008b?

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I think that WOI with october2008 update has very good AI and good chalenge against computer player for TW games. This is quite oposite to inferior AI in WOE, WOI, SFP..

But I just like this Cold War planes and very good moding capatibility and big mod comunity.



I didn't updated my WOE since WOE V08.30.06 patch because I now have all things in right place..weapons packs, many additional campaigns, missions, planes and terrain..you all know what I saying :yes:


But AI in WOE V08.30.06 is much inferior than in WOI.


Can update of WOE to October patch may improve AI and gameplay to the level of WOI with October patch?


In another words can I have benefit in gameplay and challenging AI with new instalation and update of WOE, or is it better to move additional terrains, campaigns and planes to WOI install?




Thanks for your answers and MERRY CHRISTMAS to everyone!

Edited by proleter

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Yes you will get the new AI.


Since we already speak about it, with improvement some other pretty annoying stuff was introduced. I must say I prefered old AI with uberAI mod lol

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I must say I prefered old AI with uberAI mod lol


That is because you were able to beat them. :lol: But now..... :lol:

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Than I'll go to update of WOE because AI on older patches are fairly bad.


What you say abot transfering campaigns and terrain and other stuff from WOE and WOV to the WOI?


Do I have any additional benefit doing that rather than updating WOE or WOV?

Edited by proleter

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Well I'm more then able to beat most people in similar games and I can still beat AI without major problems I have a few problems though:


1. Drunken dolphin manouver - basically planes do sharp and hard positive and negative G manouvers to throw of my aim, they used to scissor to make you overshoot now they do the "drunken dolphin" lol


2. Missile fights are insane, whole AI flight is solely concentrated on me in BVR fights, they have good tactics though, first fire 22 missiles at me(one has to hit unless a spark of being extremly lucky hits me) once I'm done my AI buddies are as clay pigeons lol


3. I know they have to fly at normal but when F-104 pulls amazing circles at 300kmh and I catch MiG-17 doing 160kmh turn...


All in all both version have something to offer, I just liked the previous better simply because AI flew more realistic...

Edited by Brain32

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I have noticed wingmen are slow to rejoin again, compared to the last patch where they joined n stayed with u

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I must say that I am impressed with the BVR capability of the new AI, during a CAS mission I watched as my escort of 8 F/A-18's wiped out at least 10 MIG-23's it was quite impressive and cleared the way for me.

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