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Merry X-mas to all. Just a quick up date; I have relocated to Endicott N.Y from Southern Cali, I had to replace my mother board and power supply

and im waiting for the great DS mod to arrive. I have missed you all! Wow Strike Fighters II ? How cool!

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i want to be in NY!!

good to hear everything is okay

take care dude!



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We wondered where you were you slacker.. :lol:

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Back too had no power for 7 days Ice storm that hit central Mass . Power unit shat the bed back up now. l

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Hey Dave, I saw some very intresting stories about classified goings on there at WP...hmmm


Mako, glad to here that the juice is back on that storm was a dusy!

Edited by Viper6

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Glad your back Vipes me old china !

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Glad your back Vipes me old china !
Nicky? you changed you 'handle'? Wow! Good to hear from you!

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