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Luiz Carlos

How to shut off the additional radar screen?

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I use to fight with everything in hard settings , but HUD and visual settings in normal mode.This unfortunally brings up the radar on top of screen, very annoying.

I can´t find a way to edit this to shut it off in KB.

Anybody could help me?

Thanks in advance.

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It should be, but I couldn't find it either...


here's what you do:


using Skypats Cat Extractor tool, extract the "HUDDdata.ini" from the FlightData.cat


open the HUDData.ini in any text editor, notepad works fine.


scroll down until you see the following entry:











there are a couple of way to eliminate it;

1) comment out the "DisplayType=" line, thusly:


//DisplayType=RADAR <-- note the 2 slash marks



2) reduce the display sizes to 0 thusly:





This will make it disappear.


Also, if you want to remove the background box from the on-screen text displays, go back to the top section, and to this...



//BackgroundImage=TextBackground.tga <--note commented out line



that should take of you



kevin stein

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I used this fix for the radar screen a few months back, and it's easily the best improvement to the game that I've seen.....I hated that screen! There is also an assignment to change the hud display from within the game, I can't remember the default key combinaton (I have it remapped) but it allows you to cycle through easy/normal/hard while you are in the air.

I like the idea of removing the shaded background on the text, thanks Wrench, I look forward to giving that a try.

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  romflyer said:
I used this fix for the radar screen a few months back, and it's easily the best improvement to the game that I've seen.....I hated that screen! There is also an assignment to change the hud display from within the game, I can't remember the default key combinaton (I have it remapped) but it allows you to cycle through easy/normal/hard while you are in the air.

I like the idea of removing the shaded background on the text, thanks Wrench, I look forward to giving that a try.



In game use the key-combi: CTLR+PGUP (it's the TOGGLE_RADAR entry in the ini file).

In WOI you can have several keymap inifiles, also hopefully in other games from Third Wire.


Happy floating.

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  Flanker251 said:
In game use the key-combi: CTLR+PGUP (it's the TOGGLE_RADAR entry in the ini file).

In WOI you can have several keymap inifiles, also hopefully in other games from Third Wire.


Happy floating.


OOPS, sorry for the post: TOGGLE_RADAR will enable/disable radar.

Excuse me for that.

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