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To buy or not to buy SF2?

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Maybe a dumb question but... is there any significant improvement(s) other then being able to run it under Vista?




Edited: Typos!

Edited by DeatWing

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Garlic bread? It's the future is that.

(Only the Brits will understand that - any probably not all)

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  Spinners said:
Garlic bread? It's the future is that.

(Only the Brits will understand that - any probably not all)




Almost as good as a kneeslide at a wedding do !

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  Syrinx said:
Arrghh...Migbuster beat me to it. All that xmas excess you know !


Ha no comment on the Xmas excess - but hey no surprise on the excess amount of words from a northener :tongue:

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Wow, thanks all for the replies. I can see much clearly now. I will eventually get it in time, especially when it will be easier to add the great many planes the modders did so far.


Thanks again

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  DeatWing said:
Wow, thanks all for the replies. I can see much clearly now. I will eventually get it in time, especially when it will be easier to add the great many planes the modders did so far.


Thanks again


you'll get it, you'll just be able to wait a wee bit more for it is all. Atleast that is my experience, I got the first SFP1 and even knowing that the patches would update my game, I haven't been able to stop myself from buying every title in the series except SF2. And I will get it, jeez for the price and all the free add-ons! Its just addictive.


Oh, and I got the FE titles 2.

Great fun to buy yourself a gift every now and then!

Edited by Tecumseh

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