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adding WoV, WoE planes to my SFP1 install?

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Sorry for the probably stupid question, but I've read through the KB and still can't find what I am doing wrong.


I thought it would be simple to copy a plane folder for say the A-7 from WoV and paste it in my SFP1 install, but that doesnt work.

It seems like I may need to extract some other files and copy them over as well, but i cant figure out what they might be.


I figure this has been discussed before but my searches in this forum have yet to turn anything up.


Any help/ links would be greatly appreciated!!

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there are A-7's here in the download sections that are easier to mod and there are some at coloumn 5 which planes do you want to bring in? by coping folders you may crate a folder within a folder it is best in most cases to open the folder and then copy the files to the new location.

Edited by Viper6

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Yes, you just copy the aircraft folder over .... to start with....


Then the REAL fun beginns..... :wink:


You'll need to cat extractor, available here in the downloads section (look for Skypat's Cat Extractor Tool), BTW, there's a tutorial on how to use it in the Knowledge Base, illustrated, too!


open the extractor, and then go into the Objects.cat, and then extract EVERYTHING having to do with the A-7...all the lods, all the cockpit files, all the inis, damage tgas (or bmps depending..)

Should be near 100 seperate files...



you have to identify what decals are needed, usually by looking in the skin folders at the decals inis and texture set inis...



find all said decals; hopefully they're in the the Decals folder, if not ... back to the objects cat with the extractor, and pull them as well.

Probably in the neighborhood of 100-200 files.....


THEN...install all the bits into which ever game you installing it to....you might be able to get away with dropping the decals into the other game's DECALS folder -- you'll find it in the /Objects folder. You'll probably have to adjust the pointers in the decals ini for each of the stock skins, however.



test fly and see if it works.


I've done this a LOT of aircraft; it ain't fun, but with a little concentration and attention to detail, it's quite doable. Coupla hours work....


OR, just download The Mirage Factory's versions.... :biggrin:



kevin stein

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OK, Thanks guys!


Wrench, good to know how to do the whole thing, because I will want to one of these days. Man, i get sucked into this series!


For now though I'll stick to the Column 5 mods, they're awesome anyway, and I've been looking at the Harrier campaign for SFP1 that includes A-7s....might let someone else do the work. LOL.


Glad to know I wasn't missing something obvious and simple tho!


Oh and Wrench, thanks for all the great stuff you've published in the KB! Wonderful community here.

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