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How can I create a transparent red tga?! I tried it with a repaint program, repainted a current tga red and it doesn`t work?! I`m a bit out of ideas cause don`t have a clue how tga`s work

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The TGAs for SF are 32 bit files; 24 bit for color and 8-bits for an "Alpha Layer"... The Alpha layer or alpha channel is a gray scale image that designates transparency; you'll need Photoshop or some other fully featured graphics program to make alpha channels. I have an old copy of Photoshop 5.5 that I use... there are a number of other programs that will handle this type of file.



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sounds complicated, haven`t worked with PS a lot just use another paint program, had my probs with templates too but still learning

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BB: you just want a plane red tga??? Like for a marking or some such?? Not for a canopy type thing??? I've never figured out the 'clear' stuff...solid colors are easy



kevin stein

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Hey Ken m8y...hello buddy...not seen you post in a while...less I missed it....:)


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How can I create a transparent red tga?! I tried it with a repaint program, repainted a current tga red and it doesn`t work?! I`m a bit out of ideas cause don`t have a clue how tga`s work


Hi , i was testing something with a red transparent tga i made maybe you can make use of it .



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This is actually fairly easy. Here's how to make a transparent image with The Gimp in five easy steps™:


  1. Start Gimp; File -> New
  2. You should now see a dialogue; set desired size and in advanced options choose background->transparent.
  3. Now you have a completely transparent image. Choose desired colour, click on fill-tool (paint bucket) and set opacity to, say, 50% and click into/onto your image. Voilà, transparent colour. :buba:
  4. Right-click on image, File->save as, type "transparent.tga" as file name (or whatever tga you like).
  5. A dialogue pops up now; uncheck "RLE compression" (else your file will not work in the sim) and click OK.

Congratulations, you just made a transparent image :clapping:

I suppose the process is not too dissimilar in Photoshop or PSP. Much easier than making one of those planes which you knock ou by the dozen :wink:

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sounds complicated, haven`t worked with PS a lot just use another paint program, had my probs with templates too but still learning


Not that difficult... In Photoshop, it is just another layer. Open a stock TGA and look at the Alpha channel...

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Hey Ken m8y...hello buddy...not seen you post in a while...less I missed it....:)



Hi Russ, been lurking a bit and make a post occasionally. R/L has taken over and not been much time for simming... Still around though... :yes:



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