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Not really, the model itself is only 4,228 polys, and is roughly what lindr2 produces, so it's not like it's a 20k poly bomb! :smile:


Besides if I'm right in thinking that weapon models can have their own levels of detail, I can help the issue out by editing it for a couple LODs.

Edited by EricJ

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The GBU-32 was planned to be released with the F-15SE...but I could pass it along to KillerBee since he's working on a SF2 weps pack.


In either case, none of my weapon models would be nearly as detailed.



Hey FC any Pic ? :yikes:

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Hey FC any Pic ? :yikes:


check the "Eagles Gone Wild" topic, there's one or two shots where it appears..


I agree Blackbird :good:

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Well I managed to squeeze three LODs out of the model, so that should hopefully help out the FPS issue. I would like to release this as new weapons but maybe with 331Killerbee's pack it'd get out more, but I'll think on it while I work on the Inert version and touch up on the live version:




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damn this has more details then some birds!!! looks great a bit afraid of the FPS impact


A bomb would no where have near the polys a plane would. Unless you have a really really really weak system, a bomb is not going to kill any FPS. Even some of the extrememly detailed weps Buny did years ago had almost no FPS impact. 4228 polys is not a alot in the grand scheme of things.






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I got a Copy passed to Me and will be included in the Wpns Pack. I still have some issues to resolve with the Pack. But testing the GBU-38/B's, I was getting a good Framerate with no stutters or anything. My Drop Platform was the F/A-18F. Everything worked and preformed real well.




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Until now I had only some FPS probs with Ravenclaws rocketpod UB16 and UB32, they are very detailed.


Really? What are your system specs?

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Strange, As .LOD's go, They are nothing close to what an Aircraft or Ground Object are.

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Strange, As .LOD's go, They are nothing close to what an Aircraft or Ground Object are.


Maybe just one, but when you've got a whole flight of them, it adds up right?

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Durning testing. The F/A-18F had 4 loaded up. Dropped 4 at 100ms Interval. No Problem. I'll close up the gap to 60 or 40ms and see what happens. But if I don't have any Problems there......I'll test with a B-1 or B-52. If I don't get a hit durning that.......I don't know what to tell Ya'.....




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Can`t wait to test your pack, that`s sure. We reaching now 2010 and it`s time for another new generation of rigs .. so keep up your work :drinks:

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This is a port from a LOMAC skin I did a couple years back, Domna AB CO's bird, time unknown (have to dig out my books and find the specific reference), just have to add a couple things and she'll be good to go.




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Final touches... will upload later on today.


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Uh, could you post beta rafale(you know, WIP version)? Because maybe I could edit rafale b ini and get it in game.

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Talk to JAT81500, he's working on it as I sent him a model.

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rusty_hawk hooked me up with a GBU-12 model on the cheap, so it's mapped, and works, just needs the animated fins... any help? Texture is much WIP as once I get it set to where it looks like it should, I'll finish it up. For some reason rusty_hawk is having problems with weapon animation (max bug) and can't properly get it working, but I do have the original map and model (3dsmax09) handy.



Edited by EricJ

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