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AAA Shoots the textures off of my A-1H

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My newly downloaded A-1H Skyraider from here seems to get even the paint shot off of it where it shows just a white plane. Looks like the textures got fubared. Is there a way to fix it? Thanks!

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You're missing the damage tgas...download my AD-4N and they're inside it (assuming it's for MontyCZ old SPAD)

If they're not there, let me know



kevin stein

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The bullet hole textures are in the folder and they show when I am hit. Are those the textures you are talking about?

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those need to be replaced.the ones in the original download are messed up.the transpart ellement is not done right so it shows as white when your hit.Some of the newer A1 downloads probobly have fixed damage textures.

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Yarp, just like I said above! :biggrin:


I even recall the damage tgas being available as a seperate d/l at one point... might even be around here, if someone has the gumption to look for them



kevin stein

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Jeez...and all this time I thought it was some Charlie secret weapon.


I mean the US had Agent Orange so I figured Charlie was using Agent White in his AA shells :biggrin:

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Jeez...and all this time I thought it was some Charlie secret weapon.


I mean the US had Agent Orange so I figured Charlie was using Agent White in his AA shells :biggrin:



..or A LOT of paint thinner. :rofl:

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