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I've checked the KB and ran a search and turned up nothing so I'll ask here


Are the older carriers mods (Albion, Bulwark, Ark Royal, Vindictive) compatable with SFP1 post oct08 patch.

I've tried simply placing the ships in the ground object folder, tehn entries added to the terrain types list but no joy.



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Did you create "Carrier Stations" in the targets ini???


The need somewhere to be told to be...



kevin stein

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yeah, been using the libya terrain and comrpnt's carrier mission pack.

I've taken one of his missions and swapped out the carrier for the Clemenceau, Eagle, Nimitz, Garibaldi, Invincible and Hermes and never had a problem with these ships. Its only the 4 mentioned above thatarecausing problems.



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Yes, those old ships required lines be added to the GroundObjectData.ini file (I think that was it). Anyway, that's no longer needed............... the config files now sit in the particular ship folders. I've just never got around to updating those ships.

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Yes, those old ships required lines be added to the GroundObjectData.ini file (I think that was it). Anyway, that's no longer needed............... the config files now sit in the particular ship folders. I've just never got around to updating those ships.


I did that to all of the ships in my folder - are any in particular need to be uploaded here?

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