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Is It Possible?

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Ok I was talking to FC last night and was wondering........ok you know how we get a window in the scope that shows what we are targetging when using an LGB or a Maverick. Its all greens. Well I am curious, can it be in that thermal black and white we see so much footage of? Anyone know what you would have to change to make it happen?

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I think it depends on the "filter" for those systems you can find on some birds a "grey filter" in the avionics.ini can take a look later at home.

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it had been discuissed in F-35 Thread and we came the conclusion: No :(

however, Insky's Su-39 uses a good Filter , IMO , you should try this.

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Ok I was talking to FC last night and was wondering........ok you know how we get a window in the scope that shows what we are targetging when using an LGB or a Maverick. Its all greens. Well I am curious, can it be in that thermal black and white we see so much footage of? Anyone know what you would have to change to make it happen?


I tried this a few years ago. You'll wind up with a "grey" screen, but the imagery will be in color. A real immersion killer.

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Apparently only people like TK would probably be able to give an answer, since from what I heard it is coded into one of the .dlls in there.

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