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Campaign Flying

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Hi guys,


I finally got the game, I did some general training and some f15 training. Now I went flying the campaign but when I takeoff me and my wingman going to the enemy on our right. Because it is a long distance I put on my radar for long range beyond visual range. So I push the 2 button and push I for scanning the area and select my rockets with D. But now the problem


When I try to increase the altitude with Shift-; IT is not working.


Second: When I search it is not finding enything on my radar..


I really really dont get it. Is this a bug or am I doing something wrong. I did the training so I think im doing this the right way.


Well please help me because when can not even finish the first mission then that would be a disgrace and dissapointing for me.



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Seems to be a bug there or at least something strange going on. Check the offical forums there is a lot of talk about it

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thanks but can not find anything on that forum. you can not even search normal without getting a timeout. Can you give a link or copy it here or else telling me where the topic is on the BIg forum.

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When I try to increase the altitude with Shift-; IT is not working.


Second: When I search it is not finding enything on my radar..

You mean you tried to move radar scan up?

It works - as a matter of fact I programed my Cougars Antena Elevation knob

for that, but the radar has to be on. I believe in Lo-mac`s Eagle, as soon as

you select A-A radar missile, the radar will turn on automaticlly. If not, after

selecting the missile hit "I".

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