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Now That the DS Mod is Out...

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As an airline pilot, I go everywhere.


As the resident CA collections officer, I can always persuade you in person. Along with my fellow crew member "Knuckles" Magee....




For those watching...IT'S A JOKE! Lighten up! :biggrin:

Boy, that's a first. A politically correct Fast Cargo. What's the world coming to?


For those watching...IT'S A JOKE! :biggrin:

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This morning i finished downloading ODS and decided to give it a whirl. Exactly one F-117 practice mission and i'm totally sold.


To everyone out there, GIVE!


ODS is the final straw. If you don't contribute because of this great module (To use the old RPG term) i doubt you ever will. Give something! I'm not rich by a damn sight but i know what i have taken advantage of. The work of those who do what i am not capable of, making all these great things for download.



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