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Vista and the CAT extractor - gotcha

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Please could someone explain the following Vista permissions error to me, w.r.t the cat extractor?




I'm still foxed by the whole Vista approach to permissions.


I've got all my Games hanging off the C: drive in a folder of my choosing - as you can see from the path in the screen shot. I'm running the cat extractor as Administrator, and have permissions to the whole game folder set to Full Control, but still no joy. :-(


Cheers, regards, comrpnt.

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Put it in your windows/systems folder and make a shortcut to your desktop.

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Run msconfig and disable UAC. 90% of Vista frustrations are eliminated.

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Run msconfig and disable UAC. 90% of Vista frustrations are eliminated.

Thanks chaps, but still no joy.


Dave - tried your suggestion first by copying the cat extractor files (loose) into Windows/System. Ran the shortcut from the desktop to my Games/WOV/Flight folder - same error.

C5 - then tried your suggestion. Thanks. Still get the same error although might avoid some others.


Maybe I'm doing something dumb but so far I'm underwhelmed by the behaviour of this O/S. I take it there's not another version of the extractor I should be using for Vista? (that's dumb question #2)


Cheers anyway, I've had enough for today - will try again tomorrow (if I can raise the enthusiasm).


Regards, comrpnt.

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Ok...so I was going mad with this - so, typical with anything to do with computers "I pushed it back up to the top of the hill to see if it would do it again". Basically, the fix - for me - was to reinstall it from scratch (I foolishly simply copied it over from my XP box when I first set up this new machine).


Now, and with UAC turned off, I have it installed locally with my set of TW installs, so it's local to where I need it. Now...where was that pesky .cat file?


All better now...cheers, regards, comrpnt.

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Seriously? I've been using the Cat extractor from the get go and no issues.....

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