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Correct Weapons for each Aircraft

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I was just wondering how to allow the Me-262 to carry Luftwaffe weapons, the Ki-84 to carry Imperial Japanese weapons, etc. Right now all the aircraft in my recent version of WOE only have Allied/U.S. weapons.



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Get bunyaps weps pack, its had a WWII weps set.

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Yup; gotta use the bunypak for WW2 installs.


Also, double and tripple check the AttachmentType= lines in ALL the data inis.

WW2 Luftwaffe aircraft use "W_Germany"

WW2 IJN/IJAAF use "Japan"

WW2 Italy used "W_Germany" (as we ain't gots no Italian weapons)

Soviet Union (WW2) uses "Soviet" as there statement in the WW2 nations ini makes the "friendly"

USAAC/AAF, RAF etc use "USAF", "UK" depending. There are, however, some specifc differences


one day I'll try to assemble my WW2 only WepPak rebuilded from the Bunypak, but pared down to a MUCH smaller device

It's low priority right now...



kevin stein

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