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Carrier Landings & Takeoffs?

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Hi ;)

i want to know please how do i get with and F15 on a carrier

id like to start practicing takeoffs and landings plz help thnx

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sup ? :D


as you can read in this thread you can see

the person didn't Land on the Carrier, he just did a "touch and go" on it

you can Take Off and Land only with the Russian Su-33 ;)


for Landing Instructions and Stuff use the Training/Ref book

or post a topic right here :)


Cheers and שלום ("Shalom" in Hebrew)

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i saw that theard my prob is that there is no traning for su 33 nor there is any campigans for it... so how can i learn?

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  GodNesS said:
Hi  ;)

i want to know please how do i get with and F15 on a carrier

id like to start practicing takeoffs and landings plz  help thnx

I don`t know what your level of flight sim experience is. I assume you have some.

Use mission editor. Put a US carrier somewhere in the water, close to the airbase

you plan to take off from. (Make sure it`s a US carrier. If you place a russian one,

she`ll blow you out of the sky before you get anywhere near)

Then jump in an Eagle and head for the boat. You might wanna use a map view to

find the carrier. Try to approach the boat from at least 5 miles behind, along the

BRC (or boat`s heading). You`ll know the boat`s approximate heading from the

mission planner (you gonna have to set up the waypoints for the boat too)

Approach the boat at 300 knots, 800 feet altitude. Once you pass the boat, pull

the power back to idle, break left. Pull around 3 G`s and focus on maintaining

the altitude. Level off when your heading is 180 deg opposite from the boat`s

heading. Gear down (you should be below 250 knots), flaps full down. Forget

about the hook! Stabilize the plane at about 140 knots. Well, it depends on the

weight of the plane. At the time I approached the boat I only had 4000 pounds

of fuel, no external stores or weapons.

Anyway, when you`re stabilized at your approach speed, change your view

momentarily to the left, to see where the boat is. When it passes your left 120 deg

start turning left at about 30 deg of bank. You should be descending slightly in

your turn. (when you lower your gear you`ll see a Vertical Velocity scale on the

left side of the HUD - it should be showing around 8 or 9 feet/sec)

Now, this is where it becomes real tricky. You have to constantly scan your HUD,

your AOA (there is no Indexer in Lo-mac`s F-15 and it might be easier just to

watch your airspeed) and occasionally glance to the left, to see how you`re

lining up with the boat. Since you can not see the ball (Optical Landing System),

even with resolutions like 1600x1200, you have to fly by your FPM (flight path

marker). Once you`re lined up on final (about 3/4 to 1 mile out) try to keep your

FPM slightly above the wires and to the right. You have to remember that you`re

landing on an angled deck and the boat is not traveling parallel to the angled deck.

(It might be easier at first to set the boat`s speed to 0, the default is 16 knots)

Well, just practice, practice, pactice. Any time you see you`re getting outside of

the parameters, just add power, climb to 600 feet and do it again.

Like I said at the beginning, I don`t know what your flight sim experience level is.

If you`re just a beginner, forget all that. Just do some straight in approaches.

Just watch your airspeed, FPM and boat`s line-up. And it helps to keep your

airplane`s weight low.

I hope that helps.

Edited by switch

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Guys what keys make the hook come down? thnx


edit: Switch thnx man u dont know how much u helped me!! :D

Edited by GodNesS

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