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Anthony W.

Seconds From Impact

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I've got a lot of these, so I'll post them day by day. Tell me what you think. I just love seeing these. I hope you do too.


I guess I didn't see the SAM in time to get a shot before it hit. Damn I wish I had AWACS to tell me when I'm just above 13 SAM sites...


Well, it made a good screen shot. A bit sad, but a good shot...



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I got lucky during beta testing of SF:P1 and caught a MiG-21 catching a missile, very much like yours, but the actual millisecond the missile detonated.


The pieces/parts were all in formation, just a tad or 3 out of place, and the shock wave was visible.


I named it, for an article I wrote, Wingman go Bo-O-om!



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I wish i wouldn't screw up the link but i probaly will so...


Look back at August 2008. Topic entitled SAM MAP.


Good luck.


I also have a whole bunch of planes in flames screenies. One day i'll find a convinient image converter and do my entire collection of screenshots.

Edited by Lt. James Cater

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What are the rules for screenshots here? Can you attach right into the thread or do you have to link to an external site?


One of my favorites is one where I got a Mig-21 "in the lips" with a Sparrow and caught a nice shot of the wreckage flying past at the merge.

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Iv got one that i posted in the screenshot thread not too long ago. Shows my f-18a being clobbered by an sa-6. managed to catch it milliseconds after impact before there are any flames. I can post it here again if you want?

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Still amazed by your picture, Anthony... :blink:

Look at the surviving F-4's pilots...





These pics are not mine, but from a friend while testing the whole new Tornado F3:







If my post does not fit this thread category, tell me and I'll delete it.





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Anthony, :blink: your campaing is finished!


Nyet! Kampayne not Finnish, Amerikan!

Unfortunate Bastard in photographic imagery only wingman.

There is much comrades that stand in line to die with much glory as my unfortunate wing comrade.

:ph34r: CL

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