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Aircraft file problem

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Today I attempted to 7zip a file into my WingsOverEurope/Objects/Aircraft, and the file did not appear in the list. So I decided to just drag the file into the aircraft folder, and as soon as I did there was a compatibility files link in the aircraft file. I clicked on the link and there was a complete seperate install of the aircraft there. So I'm wondering why would the aircraft already be there but the name would not appear on the list, unless I drag it there.




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  warthog64 said:
Today I attempted to 7zip a file into my WingsOverEurope/Objects/Aircraft, and the file did not appear in the list. So I decided to just drag the file into the aircraft folder, and as soon as I did there was a compatibility files link in the aircraft file. I clicked on the link and there was a complete seperate install of the aircraft there. So I'm wondering why would the aircraft already be there but the name would not appear on the list, unless I drag it there.






Simple answer: Nested folder.

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I'm not a computer expert, as you can see. But how do you prevent this from happening, I made sure everything I extracted to the game was fully broken down to just the Aircraft, weapons file etc. So is there a way to fix this, because I'm not sure how.



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Oh jeez, I feel like an idiot. I remember now its just been a while.


Thanks for your help

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When opening a compressed file I like to extract it to a folder on my desktop (I call mine The Extract Hanger lol) and then just open it up and see what's contained therein and move the actual aircraft folder into my game. This avoids the folder in a folder problem.

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