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Where there's an afterburner...

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Hey fubar, have you thought about the possibility to put this effect not on particals but on "objects" imagine a tube like amokflo did on his landinglights for the hansajet, skinned with a tga. Now another tube insight the other with this heat effect added. Don`t know if it`s possible. So the outcoming heat from the engines looks more real. More like Lomac, a feature i liked very much in lomac... heat effects :-)


only an idea, no critic, you are da man who have the technical knowledge.

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Hey fubar, have you thought about the possibility to put this effect not on particals but on "objects" imagine a tube like amokflo did on his landinglights for the hansajet, skinned with a tga. Now another tube insight the other with this heat effect added. Don`t know if it`s possible. So the outcoming heat from the engines looks more real. More like Lomac, a feature i liked very much in lomac... heat effects :-)


only an idea, no critic, you are da man who have the technical knowledge.


I've seen that done before. The problem is that need to get a distortion effect, and the only way to do that, is to have access to more parameters from the DirectX library, namely those that have to do with post-processing. Now, I've thought about "hijacking" them from the DX9.dll that contains them. In other words, using a method similar to what's employed in the ENB series. But, that's a LOT of work, and it's also a bit beyond my meager talents.

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Have you ever heard of Kegety? He was the man who managed to create "reflections" and some other nice effects in flashpoint. This game was never ment to use such effects and he creates a nice reflecting surface. He is finish or norwegian not sure ... wait I will look for his site, maybe we can contact him... maybe

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Have you ever heard of Kegety? He was the man who managed to create "reflections" and some other nice effects in flashpoint. This game was never ment to use such effects and he creates a nice reflecting surface. He is finish or norwegian not sure ... wait I will look for his site, maybe we can contact him... maybe


Now that's an idea.... :good:

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Kegety's DXDLL completely transformed OFP for me years ago. I wish we had something similiar for the SF engine, especially to adjust the contrasts and colors like DXDLL did in OFP.

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If we could get 3dsmax to get polys to refract the game light...then a group of small polys could act as heat effects...by "blurring" the background you see behind them in game..

then the group of polys could be animated to appear when you activated a\b`s..ie...scaled to nothing...then when linked to nozzles,a\b applied and the polys scale up to create the effect...

sort of....lol

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If we could get 3dsmax to get polys to refract the game light...then a group of small polys could act as heat effects...by "blurring" the background you see behind them in game..

then the group of polys could be animated to appear when you activated a\b`s..ie...scaled to nothing...then when linked to nozzles,a\b applied and the polys scale up to create the effect...

sort of....lol


You mean like this, Russ? :biggrin:http://www.3d-palace.com/forum/written-tut...distortion.html

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wow, heat though burner flames! that's what i call a whole new leve!

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