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Sitting Duck's Multiplayer Tutorial - Please Read! :)

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Any errors, anything that you feel does not make sense to you, anything you feel should be included please let me know.


While I do apologize for the amount of information being offered here, appreciate that it is an attempt to offer a gude for all aspects of Multi Player.






Be sure you have the latest patchs installed http://www.overfland...m/Downloads.htm




These is the latest patch and Mods that need to be installed to join in scheduled multiplayer games. Whenever possible I will provided links, or the files themselves.


Latest patch: 1.32 SuperPatch. The download page (see link above) will also list the latest minipatch for the 1.32 superpatch.


MadMats installer




This will install both the gotha and the zepplin aircraft, as well as install other files, such as searchlites, for some of the missions we fly.


It also puts some of the more popular mission into your mission folder.




Get teamspeak!!!!!!!!!!!. . http://teamspeak.com/?page=downloads All you need is the TeamSpeak 3 client

And the optional teamspeak overlay http://ts3overlay.r-dev.de/


For vista users: Find your teamspeak shortcut on your desktop Right click, select "Run as" and select Administrator.

Right click again, go to properties, In the Compatibility tab, run in WinXP SP2 Compatibility Mode

Check "Disable Visual Themes" and "Disable Desktop Composition" only.

Click Apply then OK


Do the same for your teamspeak overlay. Note: vista users, you may have to run the installer in xp compatibilty mode


Even if you do not have a microphone, you will be able to hear the other pilots, and the teamspeak interface allowes for text chat, so if you are having problems, you can communicate with the people helping you.



At present, there are no TS Servers for OFF MP that I know of. Once phase 4 arrives, and if some sessions start getting put up, I will update this with TS addresses and passwords

Once teamspeak is installed and started,


Click on connections, then select connect. Right click on servers, and select "add server" Select the "new server" you just created, and enter the following:


label: Whatever you want to identify that server as.



Be sure "Auto Reconnect" is selected


WalMart has a nice combo Headphones and Mic. They are located in the computer section with the webcams




Navigate to c:\obd software\cfswwi over flanders fields and find your cfs3mp.exe. Right click on it, and select "run as" selct administrator

Right click on it again, go to properties. select the compatibilty mode, and set it to run in widows xp

Do the same thing for your OFFmanger.ex




NOTE: Most everything from here on is for phase 3. Will not know if changes are necessary until phase 4 is released.



NOTE: Due to some issues that have occured in mulitplayer, we are recommending everyone enter multiplayer games thru the off manager. It has been established that a person Hosting a multiplayer mission game must enter thru the off manager to avoid some problems that occur in game play. While it has not been established that a player joining a mp game, and not entering the game thru the off manger will effect the other players game play, it is still recommend that if at all possible, enter thru the off manager. I will leave the rest of the section on joining games up until such time it is determined that it should be removed.


There are two methods of entering Multiplay.


One is thru the offmanager, and the other is thru a shortcut to the cfs3mp.exe


Off manager method. Click on your overflandersfields shorcut on your desktop...At first screen, click on workshop, and in workshop, verify that you have the latest patch installed (version is in lower right corner).


Exit workshop, and from the options at the bottom, select multiplayer. Next screen is Active Pilot for Multiplayer. Unless this is a campaign mission all you have to do at this screen is hit start/fly at the bottom


Next screen is Over Flanders Fields WWl Initialising. At this point the off mange has just started up your cfs3mp.exe. After it finishes loading you should be at the window with 2 medals, one mission, one multiplayer. If you have "movie ui" disabled in your overides section of cfs3config, your background will be the wwi initialising screen. If you dont have "movie ui" disabled, you will get a screen shot of a plane on a field. Note that when you have "movie ui" disabled, it also removes airfields off of the in game map, so its recommeneded that you leave that enabled in cfs3config overides section.


*** Quick note. If you enter thru the cfs3mp.exe, there will be occaisions when you will only get the one mission medal. Exit the game, and start the game up again using the overflandersfields shortcut. When you get to this point, (the 2 medals) exit the game entirely, and restart with the cfs3mp.exe. You should now have the multiplayer medal back.


The rest is the same no matter how you enter mp, so skip down to JOINING A DOGFIGHT OR A TEAM DOGFIGHT



Cfs3mp.exe shortcut method. Open windows explorer and navigate to c:\obd software\cfswwl Over Flanders Fields.(assuming you installed into the default directory) Find your cfs3mp.exe (not your cfs3.exe). right click on it, and select send to > destop (create shortcut)


Get back to your desktop and dbl click the cfs3mp.exe shortcut you just created.


This should bring you directly to a screen with 2 medals, one mission, one multiplayer.


If you do not have the mutilplayer ribbon (a common occurance), follow the steps above for off manger method up to the *** and exit the game completly. Restart with the cfs3mp.exe shortcut and you should have the multiplayer medal




Before joining a game, click on the hanger dropdown in the upper left. Click on the multiplayer option. For connection Type select T1. Location type is optional, Not sure if has any bearing on gameplay. In Call sign for lan games enter whatever you want to appear for your handle in the mp game. For the pilot, at this point you dont have to select a pilot. However, in the future, for online mission play, there may be a reason to have mp pilots that all have the same active date as the rest of the pilots flying the mission.


Hit ok, and close the hanger dropdown.


Click on the multiplayer medal. Click on Join Private Game. .Enter the ip of the game being hosted. This should have been provided in the mp forum from the host. If it is a team dogfight, the next window is where you select your side,,,,axis or allies. If it is a just a dogfight then you go right into the enter game window. If everything goes right, you should see a "loading" message Once the MP game loads the next window has the name of the hosted game and there is a change aircraft button and a start button. Select whatever plane you want to fly, and hit start. IMPORTANT: if you are in a team dogight and selceted allied,,,,be sure you select an allied plane, and visa versa for axis. Once in the game, if you get shot down, or crash, you get taken back to the Enter game window. If you want to change planes you do it here, and enter start again.


If during game play, you happen to get shot down and/or crash, and do not respawn automatically, hit ctr+shift+K. This should "kill" you and take you back to the enter game window.


If you dont have teamspeak, and are in a game, c button brings up the chat window. Type a message and hit enter. As the text messages do not stay up that long, ctl+shft+S brings up a chat window that shows all the text posts and stays in view till closed.




If the host is running a mission, there is more to entering the game than a simple dogfight. There is no way i could explain this better than pd's mp mission tuturial. The url to this is here...



In addition to the above information, PD's Multiplayer tuturial, along with some other good information can be found here



Note Pd made all of this before the 1.32 Super Patch came out, so some of the screens are different.


The screen shots in the tuturial do an excellent job of explaining the steps in joining a Muliplayer Mission. It is pretty much a must read for new players





Joining a Campaign Mission


The only difference between joining a campaign mission, and a mission built with mission builder is the need to overide the Date. This assures that everyone in the Campaign mission sees the same weather.

Start thru Off Mangager, and select Multiplayer. That will bring you to the Active Pilot For Multiplayer window, The Host of the game will provide you with a specific date for the campaign mission being flown, and that must be entered into the "OVERIDE TIME PERIOD". Hit start/fly. The Off Manger will then set the weather to whatever it was for that specific date.








If you want to host, you have to forward ports. As all routers and modems are different, all i will include here are the ports that need to be forwarded, and a simple explanation of what I do when someone needs help portforwarding their router....Also, if you have a cable or dsl modem that has a firewall built in, you may also have to forward the ports in the modem. You will have to go to the homepage of your isp provider for getting the proceedure.


Ports that need to be forwared 2300 to 2300 in udp


28883 to 28887 in udp


In order to portforward the router, you will need to access it thru a web browser. If you have put a username/password on the router, you will have to have that information available.


You will also need your internal IP. To get this, open up a command promt, (start>run>cmd), and type in ipconfig. All you need here is your IP Address. It will be in the 192.168.x.x format.


If you have a 2Wire, or some AT&T routers, you will need to know your Computers Name. XP users,,find your My Computer icon, right click, select properties,,computer name tab. Vista users, I belive the icon is just called Computer.


With all the above information handy, go to www.portforward.com. You will see a list of routers. Select your router by Make/model, and the next page gives you a list of games. BHAH nor CFS3 are on the list, but Microsoft Flight Simulator X is, so select that game.


Next page will bring you to the setup instructions for portforwarding the game for msfsx. The ports are different, but the proceedure is exactly the same.


Note: You will see a little blurb at the top of the instructions for getting a static IP. I highly recommend you skip this step.


Read thru thorouly the setup instructions, to get aquainted with all the steps you will need to go thur before you start to actually change the ports on your router. Remeber, you are only forwarding the ports I listed above, do NOT forward the ports as per the instuctions for MSFSX. they are different from what you need for BHAH.


If it looks like something you do not want to tackle on your own, just put up a post in the mp section of the forum, and someone will be glad to help you thru it.


Once you have forwarded your ports, it is always a good idea to check to see if your settings are correct. Great utility for this made by the people at portforward.com is the port checker utility. It can be downloaded here: http://bhah.homeip.net:192/inbox/PFPortChecker.exe



Before hosting a game, go to www.whatsmyipaddress.com and get your ip. Write it down. Although crl+h allows a host to get their ip once the game has started, sometimes it reports it as all 0's and sometimes it reports it as the internal ip (192.168.xxx.x)


And, If you have your ip before hosting, you can post the ip in the forum, start up your game, and dont have to alt+tab out of the game to get back to the forum and post,.


Read ovs's post in the sticky section of the mp forum for what information should be included when hosting a game and posting it in the forum.


And we now have our own calander. If you are planning to host a game for a session for a later date, click on the calander link at the top of the forum page, find the dropdown link at the bottom of the page and selct Over Flanders MultiPlayer calander, and make an entry in the date you plan to host a session.


Use either of the 2 methods(off manager or cfs3mp.exe shortcut) to get to the multiplayer medal can click on it. Select the host game option, and you will get the HOST GAME flyout.


First thing you have to do is choose what type of game you are going to host.




If you click on location, you can change the start location of the game, the altitude, and weather.


If you click on realism, you can make several changes to how the game is played. This is strictly up to the host, so will not make any suggestions here except to make weapons strongest.


Change "game is over in" to 25 games


Aircraft start within....suggest you leave this at one mile.


Limit respawns to: suggest you leave this at 0


Aircraft restrictions; Leave this alone. This is covered in the ADDONS section.


Hit next. Enter a name for your game, and a description of the game. DESELCT "Publish my game in the cfs directory" Password protect is self explanatory, and number of players is a host option. Usually you would bring it up as high as it will go. Quick note: I have noticed that sometimes the max number of players will only go up to 4, other times it is higher. No idea why t his happens.


Click on start game, if everything goes right, you should get the loading message, and the rest is the same as joining a game.




Same as above, except now there is a TEAM IMBALANCE option. Self explanatory




Again, same as above, but now the mission drop down is available, as well as an option "allow players to change aircraft"


Select which mission you want to fly.


For the rest of this, pds tuturial does the best job. http://sim-outhouse....read.php?t=2636


Editing settings in the "Hanger" drop down

When you are at the window with the 2 Medals, mission and multiplayer, there should be a Hanger drop down in the upper right of your screen. If not, the escape key should bring it down. Click on the multiplayer option from the list. Change the connection type to T1, and in the box "call sign for lan players" enter whatever name you want to show up for you in the game.


You can also edit your sound settings with the sound option in the hanger drop down. This will overide any settings you may have made to sound in the workshop, but they will only apply to the game you are playing. So if you constangly find yourself turning down engine sounds you may want to consider turning down the engine sound in workshop, which will get applied to all your games.


Most players find they have to turn engine sound down to at least 30 to be able to hear ppl on teamspeak over the sound of the planes engines. Find whatever setting is best for you.


Sound settings can be accessed and edited while in a game by hitting escape, and going into the hanger drop down.



To get out of a game, hit escape to bring up the hanger drop down, and exit from there




Games that are schedule in advance are entered into the Over Flanders Fields Calander. Find the calander link in the upper right of the forum page, and open it up. At the bottome of the page, find the drop down for specific calanders, and select over flanders fields multiplayer calander. Sessions that have been scheduled will appear on those date. Clicking on a date will bring up more information about the session.

In addidtion to the calander, multiplayer games are also posted in the Multiplayer section of the forum.


here is a link to the calander, if you want to bookmark it http://forum.combata...r&cal_id=2&m=&y=





The requirements with addon aircraft for mp games are simple. Any and all aircraft in the host's aircraft dirctory MUST be also be in a pilot's directory if they are trying to join the game. If not, the person trying to join gets a mismatched aircraft message.


Note that it does not make a difference what addons a pilot joining a game has. This will not cause a mismatch.


The occurance of this problem has been minimzed since the introduction of matmats installer, which puts the addons we currently use into your folder for you.




This section is a work in progress. As other players give input it will be updated.


Connection fail...make sure you are connected to the internet and the host name is correct. If you get this message when either trying to host or join a game, and you know your connection is good, it is sometimes necessary to hit escape to get the hanger dropdown, hit end game, and hit join or host again. I have had to do this alot over and over before i could get a game to start or join. Its not a game problem, its an internet issue.


Mismatched aircraft . If you are getting this message, make sure you and the host are patched to the same version of off3, and that everyone has the same Damage Model installed.


Make sure the host has no addon aircraft in their dirctory that you do not have


FOV (field of view)


The latest patch (1.32 super patch) adds a FOV setting into the workshop.


Will try and quickly explain how superpatch and new options apply to mp pilots



If a pilot changes fov settings in workshop, then they will modify the xdp files in their aircraft folder, and cause a mismatch when joining a game. It does not make a difference if everyone has the same fov setting. Its the time the files where created that causes the mismatch.


The superpatch puts new folders in your obd software\wwi scenery folder.




The default folder contains aircraft files that are stock to the superpatch.

The offline folder contains aircraft files that you want to use for single player

The online folder contains aircraft files that you want to use for mp.


After installing superpatch, only folder that has any files is default.


In workshop, lower left, there are new settings that contoll what files get into the online craft and offline craft folders, and how these files are loaded into the game.


img-resized.png Reduced: 75% of original size [ 1280 x 1024 ] - Click to view full imagegallery_45808_317_90266.jpg


As of this time, mp pilots who DONT change their fov settings for single person games should follow this


Click on "restore off default", say yes at the promt. when it is finished, it will ask if you want to back up as offline, and then it will ask if you want to back up as online, Say yes to both. Now you have the default aircraft files in all your folders.

Check "Auto MP Control OFF", and check "never autobackup offline"


As long as you dont fiddle with fov,,you will be ok.


As I do not change FOV settings for single player games, I hesitate trying to put proceedure here for making sure you avoid mismatches in mp.





If your trackir works in qc or campain, but does not work in mp, make sure you have the latest drivers. Current version right now is ver 4.1 build 36


Vista users. If you still dont have trackir in mp games, find the shorcut for trackir on your desktop. Right click on it, and selct "run as" Select administrator




If you have gotten the hang of multiplayer games, and want to start building your own mission, use the start>all programs> over flanders fields > mission builder


Will not attempt to explain mission building here, but if you click the ? in the mb main window, at the bottonm of the help there is a calais walkthru, which is very good.




Edited by sitting_duck

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Hey Duck,


Great work so far!!


Just a small note. The Teamspeak overlay will not install on Vista machines. Just gives an error message that the overlay is not programmed to run on this OS.


Everything else looks good. I'll email you the .doc with screenshots from P2 on joining MP.

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Hey Duck,


Great work so far!!


Just a small note. The Teamspeak overlay will not install on Vista machines. Just gives an error message that the overlay is not programmed to run on this OS.


Everything else looks good. I'll email you the .doc with screenshots from P2 on joining MP.


Teamspeak overlay WILL work with Vista. I use it with my Vista. Here is what you do:


(a) Run as Administrator.

(b) In the Compatibility tab, run in WinXP SP2 Compatibility Mode

© Check "Disable Visual Themes" and "Disable Desktop Composition" only.

(d) Click Apply then OK


You're good to go!

Edited by Axgrinder

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Hey Ax,


I'd do all that if the download would install. It won't. It starts to, then tells me it won't work with my OS. Is this perhaps a new beta feature? Perhaps the older versions will install and I can change the settings as you suggest.

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Hey Ax,


I'd do all that if the download would install. It won't. It starts to, then tells me it won't work with my OS. Is this perhaps a new beta feature? Perhaps the older versions will install and I can change the settings as you suggest.


Try the steps I gave you with TS first. Then install TSO. See if that works.

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Hmmmm... I already have TS set up in XP compatibility mode and set to run as administrator. But I checked the two boxes too. Then I tried to install TSO. It gave the same error message and stopped the install. But, as before, Vista gave me a warning that the program failed to install correctly and asked if I wanted to install it with the recommended settings. I said yes this time and it installed. However, when I set it to run in XP compatibility mode and as administrator and checked the two boxes you suggested, it opened with the beta warning, then the nickname in options instructions and then gave a hacked .dll error message and quit. It does this no matter what I do with its settings.

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Stop the presses! I uninstalled and then, for the heck of it, installed again. This time it let me install without the error message and was already configured to run in XP mode and as administrator (so I guess Vista instituted those settings). Anyway, it's working! That was weird!


Okay, I figured it out. I made a shortcut to my start menu for it, and when I try to start it with that, it gives me the hacked .dll error. If I just start it from the .exe, it runs fine. Still don't know why it wouldn't install at first. VISTA!!!! :mad:

Edited by griphos

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Stop the presses! I uninstalled and then, for the heck of it, installed again. This time it let me install without the error message and was already configured to run in XP mode and as administrator (so I guess Vista instituted those settings). Anyway, it's working! That was weird!


Okay, I figured it out. I made a shortcut to my start menu for it, and when I try to start it with that, it gives me the hacked .dll error. If I just start it from the .exe, it runs fine. Still don't know why it wouldn't install at first. VISTA!!!! :mad:



Did you get the TSO to work?

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Seems to be. Want to meet me on Outlaw and test it?

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Seems to be. Want to meet me on Outlaw and test it?


At work right now. Duck will be on tonight 7ish. I will try as well for a little while.

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Okay, I'll try to make it then as well.

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TS and TSO work for me without the two boxes checked ("Disable Visual Themes" and "Disable Desktop Composition"). If other Vista users have my experience, then they may have to try the TSO install several times before it works, and it may not run from a shortcut (mine doesn't).

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Hello Duck and Others,


I have very little opportunity to play multiplayer on-line, however, sometimes my son and I would like to play come co-operative missions over our LAN. We could set up (although we didn't actually fly in) what appears to be the Melee setup and the Team Melee setup, but these do not use co-operative missions.


I usually host on my desktop computer. I am unclear about lots of things, but regarding this game:


  1. What is the relationship between the "Scenario Selections" on the first screen which shows after clicking Multiplayer?
  2. On the Red Ribbon flyout, what is the difference/significance of the Campaign/Quick Combat/Mission Packs options - different sorts of games?
  3. If I create a mission or two, where do I place them in the OFF folders?
  4. Sometimes I get a message about not having an offline or online store location. What does that mean?
  5. How do I change things so I stop getting called "player" rather than something more refined, something perhaps with a capital letter? dntknw.gif

I do like the tutorial. (I presume all the stuff about Teamspeak at the beginning is optional.)


I don't think you have covered these topics in the tutorial, or if you have I have misinterpreted or inadequately understood what you were trying to say.


With thanks,



(Using Superpatch1.32 & Mini1.32g)

Edited by GeorgeBoles

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hi,,,will do my best to explain...


scenarios are missions that are stored in your missions\scenarios folder. They where built by the devs for some quick missions to fly. If left there, they are only available by clicking the scenerios button in BHAH. However, if you copy them from your scenarios folder to your missions\historical folder, then they will be available to fly from the multiplayer, or missions folder that you get when you get those 2 medals. Keep in mind scenarios where built for each side,,,axis and allied,,,so a scenario built for an active pilot flying for germany will only have flyable (ie,,they have cockpits) on the german planes,,,and vica versa..


The first screen active pilot for duty screen can be ignored UNLESS you are going to fly a multiplayer game that requres you to have the same date as the person hosting.

Custom built missions define the date/time and weather, so no matter what date your active pilot is (which is what you are going to see by default at that screen) when you enter the mission, you will get the day time and weather that the missions is calling for. Campaign mission use the games weather generator to determine what you see in the game. So if the host is putting up a campaign mission, and his date is 12-01-16,,,he might see snow,,,,,if your date is 6-8-17,,,you might be in a thunderstorm....


the flyout on the ribbon just indicates what folder it is looking for the missions in,,,not sure which is which,,but is looking at the historical,,,training,,,and the whatif folder,,depending on which tab you select


i always put my missions in historical...you can use either of the three mentioned above,,but probably better to just use historical..


you get that message because it is backing up your aircraft files. Rather than explain it here,,,read the part in the sticky about fov settings,,,,and unless you fiddle with the fov settings in workshop,,i suggest you follow the proceedure in the sticky..once you do this,,you wont see that again,,,but keep in mind,,its for ppl who dont fiddle with fov settings in the workshop.


once you are at the window with the 2 medal,,you should have a hanger drop down on the upper right of the screen,,,if not,,,hit escape,,and it should appear..


click on multiplayer,,,and set connection to t1,,,and call sign for lan games is where you put whatever you want to be seen for you in the game,,,


and you are probably right,,dont think this is in the tururail...will put it in next time i edit it..


if anything here was confusing,,let me know,,,,


so,,when we going to see you in multiplayer?????

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hi,,,will do my best to explain...



Good explanation, Duck. I will print it out and study it with the game open.


As for playing multiplayer, I am a bit reluctant to get right into it because when I have a little LAN one on one with my son, using the Target/Player view and watch our planes from closer to his perspective, it looks as though his bullets are 25 - 50 yards behind my plane and yet my plane is receiving hits all over the place. I find this frustrating. I was thinking about taking some screen shots and studying them, but he is not around now.


Am I thinking about this incorrectly?




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If you are worried about your "performance" in MP...............don't worry. The chaps here are great to fly with!


Besides, I have yet to make any "real" scores yet, I fly into the ground a lot, and I have a great time with the guys! They are patient and very helpful.



So contacts on, chocks away.......................see you in the clouds

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i have set up a lan too,,,and was amazed at the amount of lag between 2 computers networked....so pleaseeeee dont take that as an indication of how the game really plays in multiplayer.


there are some inherent problems with mp dogfights that do not show up in mission play.


but in all honesty, if there was one aspect of mp that did show lag,,its being behind a pilot that is shooting an enemy in front of them,,,,from your perspective,,his aim is way off,,,but from his perspective he is shooting accuratly,,,just a natrue of the beast, and it doesnt show up all the time.


hope to catch you in the air

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What you're seeing, GB, is lag, as Duck said. Your opponent is lined up on you but because what you're seeing has to go through both computers and whatever is connecting them it's usually slightly out of time with what he's seeing. This mostly impacts the turn-n-burn knife fighters as their tactics rely heavily on timing their moves to outmaneuver and frustrate the enemy. Obviously, when you're waiting for the perfect instant to turn out of your opponent's line of fire, not only to take away his shot but also to put him into a good position for you to attack, it's critical that you see that instant at the same time as he does. In fact, I've had to reassess some of my success in Red Baron in that light as most of that time I was on a cable connection and many of my victims were still on dialup. Unfortunately it appears that some of this lag is game-related with OFF, stemming from coding in CFS3 and can't be corrected. Your strikes, however, are based on what you see not what your opponent sees, so you don't have to try to adjust for lag when you're on the attack. On the plus side, the Sunday online campaigns are all flown co-operatively, with all human players on the same side, which reduces the lag effect (maybe even eliminates it, as I can honestly say I haven't noticed it). So don't be shy, turn off the football game (unless it's the Steelers good.gif ) at 2:00EST, turn on the computer, and join us. Bring your son along, too, if possible. The current campaign has just ended and I believe we'll officially be taking a hiatus until after the first of the year, but I'd be willing to bet that if you do you'll find someone Jonsing for some action.

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Hey all

wow this is very heavy to get into MP play. I flew RB3D for years and talk about simple to get into MP. I have been trying to get into this MP ,with no luck at all . all i ever get in that i am not connected tot he internet and that i should check my connection. I get this anytime i try to do anything. I am not even able to make an account ,,,, still the same thing . Any Ideas

And a nother question I have a force feed stick I use with the force feed shut off ,, i just use the return to center , however every time i start a mission I have to re-calibrate it and return to factory settings. Is there a setting with in the game or a folder that can be changed ,,, just so it will remember the settings i have set ?



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Hi Dragonfly, it can be a bit of a task setting up your MP,but once it's done you wont look back.Your best bet is to join us on team speak so we can talk you through the set up.Me and winston won't be on till next week but Vasco is on most nights and what he doesn't know about set up you could write on the back of a stamp.Hope to see you online soon.

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Red dog

What time zone are you guys in ? I am currently in Germany ,soon to possibly change to Texas. I will give it a try when you guys get on next week.

Any Ideas on how to fix my MS2 FF stick ,so it will keep the settings for return to center ,,, with having to go into the controls and re-calibrate it every time i get a new mission.

thanks DF

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Red dog

What time zone are you guys in ? I am currently in Germany ,soon to possibly change to Texas. I will give it a try when you guys get on next week.

Any Ideas on how to fix my MS2 FF stick ,so it will keep the settings for return to center ,,, with having to go into the controls and re-calibrate it every time i get a new mission.

thanks DF




It could be a problem with the joystick configuration within the sim. If you can get on TS asap we'll see what we can do (both Red Dog and I are in the UK). The reason for doing it sooner rather than later is that BH_Dutch is upgradng Teamspeak to version 3 this weekend and the settings/address may change.




Vasco :pilotfly:

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VascoI must have missed the time line ,,you may have upgraded by the time i got the message. I had TS installed , coppied and pasted the Ip and PW and there was no severDF

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