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Wasn't the sound from Krakatoa heard hundreds of miles away?

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Wasn't the sound from Krakatoa heard hundreds of miles away?


No, that was the day I had broccoli and beans. :blink::biggrin:



Krakatoa was heard thousands of miles away.

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No, that was the day I had broccoli and beans. :blink::biggrin:


Well that explains why C5s finger smells like a salad bar...


[Zur ducks and runs]....

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Wasn't the sound from Krakatoa heard hundreds of miles away?


They actually saw the pressure wave from the explosion in the pressure reading of gas towers in London, which indicate it passed through about 7 times! There's an excellent book on Krakatoa by Simon Winchester, which goes into the historical background, the geology and the events of the day. I read it in one sitting on a flight back from the states, highly recommended.

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