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...an Arleigh Burke???! :shok:




An Arliegh Burke, set up as the USS Fitzgerald. SPY-1 radar, 90 SM-2 SAMs in two sets of VLS cells, a pair 20 mm Phalanx CIWS mounted fore & aft, and one 127 mm rapid fire main mount forward, all of which I intend to have operational.


Some close up views:




Check out the detail on the CIWS (and the missing meshes that I have to fill :dntknw: )


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this is what we need!!!(ok, what i want!!!)

Edited by Silverbolt

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...i don't mean to be picky, but...


in the end, the ouside of the hull is gonna be an actual haze gray, right???

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...i don't mean to be picky, but...


in the end, the ouside of the hull is gonna be an actual haze gray, right???



Actually, Dave was partial to a metallic lavander, buttttttttttt.........of course it's going to be gray, silly! It's not even textured yet, you're just seeing the native mesh color.

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Do ships actually have rivets on the exterior of the hull? Or is it just welds? If so would this be a case of weld counting?

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It's a model from Google Sketchup, that I've ported over to a TW .lod-format as a "proof of concept".



Does this mean Google Sketchup can be used to make models for the series now?

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Does this mean Google Sketchup can be used to make models for the series now?


You still need 3Dmax to import/export and set animations.

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We could also use a bit more variety in the cargoship catagory.....



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