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Luiz Carlos

Questions about gameplay

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So, I have managed to find a DVD copy of CFS 3 (bought it for 7USD in Wal-Mart) and I am sitting here waiting for my OFF DVD arrives( hands already sweating)

Here are a couple of questions?

Could you kill enemy gunners when atacking two seaters from behind?

There are an animation of it ?(dead gunner)

Can you hide from enemies in the clouds or perform sneak atacks without been noticed for them?

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Dont think so

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The answer to the last question is yes. You can hide in clouds and get the jump on enemy without them noticing. I jumped a flight of Alb.DIIs the other day from out of the sun and thousands of feet higher and we got within 800-900 ft behind them before they even noticed (or at least before they changed direction) and I shot down two just like that because they hadn't noticed yet and kept flying straight.

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Dont think so


Too bad.

I was expecting.Still waiting some sim to accomplish that.(seems a hard thing to program)

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As far as I know, you CAN hide in the sun or clouds.

Before the sim appeared, the developers had said so, I think to remember.


I spotted a flight of 5 planes on my screen, but they remained labeled as "bogeys", when I came

close enough, they should have turned into friend or foe.

The same should work for the player/pilot.

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