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Modding Pilot Name Files

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Not sure if I should ask here, or in the modding subsection of the forum, but here goes.


It's my understanding that in campaign mode, the game code "chooses" names for the active pilot's AI squadron mates by randomly selecting a "FirstName" and a "LastName" of the appropriate nationality from the files in the "CFSWW1 Over Flanders Fields/CampaignData" folder, e.g. "FranceFirstNames" & "FranceLastNames" for French AI pilot names.


Now the name files for British and German pilots are very "rich" in terms of choice. The Brits have 134 first names and 456 last names for the game to use in constructing pilot names, the Germans have 90/150 respectively.


But for French pilots, there are only 20 first names and 13 last names. I like to fly a lot as a French pilot, and I find my AI wingies names too repetitive for my taste. I recall that back on the old SimOH boards, I remember an OFF pilot from France who constructed a more extensive set of name files for French pilots, but I can't find that thread now.


Also, one of my favorite campaigns is to fly with the LafEsc :yes: . But since the LafEsc is "technically" a French squadron, names are chosen from the French lists, meaning that AI LafEsc pilots do not have American names, something which sadly affects my immersion factor.


Given the above, my questions are:


1) Does anyone have more extensive FirstNames/LastNames files for French pilots?


2) Can I just create my own "FranceFirstNames" & "FranceLastNames" files (with perhaps American names for LafEsc campaigns), put them in the CampaignData folder, and use them instead of the vanilla files?


3) Does the campaign game "name" any AI pilots outside of the active pilot's chosen squad?


4) Is there a way to have the game pick "complete" AI pilot names, rather than "construct" them from the FirstNames/LastNames files? I'd like to be able to fly with specifically-named AI squadmates, e.g., (for Falcons of France fans :yes: ) Charles Selden, Gordon Forbes and Tommy Slater in LafEsc campaigns, and I'm wondering if there's a way to "force" complete names for AI pilots.


Any help or advice on this admittedly quirky immersion issue :wink: would be much appreciated, and thanks to the OFF BHAH team for a great sim!

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Xavier Jouve has very kindly written a new list of names for French pilots - coming soon to a screen near you.



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Inter- Follow this path: C:\OBDSoftware\CFSWW1 Over Flanders Fields\campaigns\CampaignData\Pilots



and then choose "Pilotdossier2" notepad file. About 3/4 down the file page are the AI squad mates..edit the names as you wish. Easy takes a second.




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