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Crash Dive when coming out of Warp

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No big deal (and I think I have read this somewhere before) but why does my aircraft come out of warp in a nose-down attitude please?

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I don't know how this one slipped by you. Pay attention, Widowmaker! :huh:


It seems that the problem is caused by having auto-trim turned on before entering warp.

Edited by griphos

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Someone said somewhere, it happened, when "auto mixture" or was it "auto level/trim" was switched off, or on - ???

you see, I'm no help. Next one, please.



PS: the thread was "warping question", some 5 pages back.

Edited by Olham

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Ah ok, thanks!..I will try to pay more attention next time! :blush2:

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Ah ok, thanks!..I will try to pay more attention next time! :blush2:


Sorry if this is stirring the kettle, but...


Two campaigns starting in Jasta 1, 1915 flying an Eindekker...first mission each time...not using auto trim but do have auto mixture on...took off from Bertincourt and hit Warp....headed North and went to first waypoint West of Douai...hit Warp again and it went wild...came out of it in an extremely high pitch attitude, somewhere out over the English Channel. :blink:


Only seems to happen on that first campaign mission.





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...hit Warp again and it went wild...came out of it in an extremely high pitch attitude, somewhere out over the English Channel. :blink:


Only seems to happen on that first campaign mission.






Yeah I can verify something weird is going on with warp on occasion since 1.28a or the DM patches. I had a couple of experiences like you TvO where I ended up in the middle of nowhere in the opposite direction of the waypoint. One instance I just let it run and the counter measured 360 miles I think and I got the message I had reached the end of the map and had to turn back ! And the terrain was very cfs3ish ... not a pleasant sight. It may have been the Russian steppes ? In both instances I hit the esc key as warp would not get back on track and head back home so I was captured and imprisoned in a gulag camp from which escape was impossible.


Doesn't happen every time but is something I've never experienced prior to 1.28a or the DM patches. I never use auto trim (if this is at all related to the exit warp issue) but always use manual mixture.

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Yeah I can verify something weird is going on with warp on occasion since 1.28a or the DM patches. I had a couple of experiences like you TvO where I ended up in the middle of nowhere in the opposite direction of the waypoint. One instance I just let it run and the counter measured 360 miles I think and I got the message I had reached the end of the map and had to turn back ! And the terrain was very cfs3ish ... not a pleasant sight. It may have been the Russian steppes ? In both instances I hit the esc key as warp would not get back on track and head back home so I was captured and imprisoned in a gulag camp from which escape was impossible.


Doesn't happen every time but is something I've never experienced prior to 1.28a or the DM patches. I never use auto trim (if this is at all related to the exit warp issue) but always use manual mixture.



Wow! Talk about flying off into the Twilight Zone! :blink:


You know, this could be another way to have fun with this, though. One day I might invest a campaign "life" to simply flying off the end of the World and see where it goes. :biggrin:





Edited by Todt Von Oben

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............... I never use auto trim .......


FYI everybody, if you don't turn it off, then you are using it because it defaults to ON when your mission starts.

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