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Historically accurate?

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I am currently flying in 68 squadron stationed at Auchel aerodrome. The time is January 1918. It seems that whenever I fly my flight is, usually though not always, out numbered by the Germans. Not by a small amount either. I’m talking 3 to 7, 4 to 9 and my last flight was 5 to 12. My flight is never numerically superior. Most of my flights seem to be against Jasta 6 flying the DR I. Until my last flight I have successfully avoided engagement. I think I read somewhere that von Richthofen would hang back and watch a battle unfold. When he saw an open target he went in. I don’t know if that’s true but I have been using that tactic with some success. However, in my last flight with the odds 5 to 12, I was circling above and felt like an absolute coward while my flight was being chewed to pieces. I dove in, shot down one and was working on a second when of course I was shot down. What are ya gonna do? Die a hero or flee like a coward? (Rhetorical questions).


Anyway, my question is: Are the odds at this period in time with this squadron and Jasta correct? 



Not complaining. I think it’s good to have these kinds of situations come up. Makes the sim way more interesting.

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That's what I meant in my thread "how hard must a pilot become..."

I saw my good wingman No. 1 (who had kept the pack off my tail, while I was downing two SPAD XIII),

how he suddenly was the only other German around; lower, and 5 SPADs jumping on him.

I couldn't but dive down there in a rage and pepper them.

Useless though - they had killed him, before I got there; and I only escaped by flying BELOW treetop level.

Shot up, I crashlanded - but on the right side.

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The odds will ebb and flow as battles and dates change, directives of the squadrons and battle requirements. This is built in to OFF


However listen to the voices of the pilots in the credits. You'll hear one there (Cecil Lewis?) recount how they were often outnumbered 2 or 3 to 1.

The Germans usually formed up into larger formations and attacked in numbers. So as an allied you may not see an enemy for some flights then be swamped 3 to 1.

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I love the Interviews!...What a shame there aren't more!

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