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is there anyone who can show me where are the Dassault / Brequet DornierAlpha jet, Super Etendard, and Dassault Rafale for WOV,E,I/SFP??? :tumbleweed: i miss them soo much:-(

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I had tries so many time to add chaff, flare and ECM jammer into aircraft data.ini on aircraft which doesnt equiped with countermeasure before, such as f-4, mig-23, mig -27 and etc and....yup,.it doesnt work well. Flare and chaff still on zero and there was no ECM onboard. How to make them working properly???? help me pleaze... :dntknw:

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I wanted to know how to increase aircraft life service limit above 5 years (up to 15-20 years) in WOE/WOI. Pleaze help me guys...thx be4

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Oh dear...


1) There is no publicly released Alpha Jet yet, there are at least one WIP CA-side and a "3-years in beta" Capun-side.

2) The Super Etendard, while not publicly available alone anymore (it's a Capun-side plane), is part of the Malvinas campaign, you can get it here (http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...p;showfile=6700).

3) The Rafale, once again, there's at least 2 as WIP CA-side, and one "long-beta" Capun-side.


More importantly...


4) Don't yell, ever... using all caps on a forum is yelling.

5) Try to get more informative thread titles.

6) Try to word your questions so they don't sound like demands (the numerous interrogation marks in this case)... especially when your first post got you in trouble for that very reason...


Since the numerous threads have been regrouped...


7) Take your afternoon and study the Knowledge Base (http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showforum=99), if you can't find your answers, do a simple search on the forums, it will bring up answers to most if not all your questions.

8) Avoid double-posting or mass-opening of threads.

9) Be as self-reliant as you can, it tends to irritate people to answer the same questions again and again, especially when they have already spent time to explain it previously or made a KB entry so that newcomers don't have to ask anymore.

However, if you still can't find the solution or get it to work, you'll find someone to help, but it's easier if you have shown a will to try by yourself first.

10) For your missions, you can do that using either Le Missioneur or Kreelin's Mission Builder, you'll find tutorials in the KB or with the program IIRC.

Edited by Gunrunner

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Just adjust the service dates in the the a/c's data.ini and you'll be all set. Instructions are in the Knowledge Base.



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How to make all of a/c (which have same start and end years of service) appears together at the same time on a single mission???

Edited by bayu

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First please do not flood the board with a ton of posts of question you can ask in one post. Also all your questions can be answer in the Knowledge Base.




As far as your questions on specific aircraft, The AlphaJet is not out yet. The Entendard is in the Falklands package and for the Rafael there isn't one that I know that I know of.


And what Gunrunner said too.

Edited by Dave

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Oh dear...


1) There is no publicly released Alpha Jet yet, there are at least one WIP CA-side and a "3-years in beta" Capun-side.

2) The Super Etendard, while not publicly available alone anymore (it's a Capun-side plane), is part of the Malvinas campaign, you can get it here (http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...p;showfile=6700).

3) The Rafale, once again, there's at least 2 as WIP CA-side, and one "long-beta" Capun-side.


More importantly...


4) Don't yell, ever... using all caps on a forum is yelling.

5) Try to get more informative thread titles.

6) Try to word your questions so they don't sound like demands (the numerous interrogation marks in this case)... especially when your first post got you in trouble for that very reason...


Since the numerous threads have been regrouped...


7) Take your afternoon and study the Knowledge Base (http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showforum=99), if you can't find your answers, do a simple search on the forums, it will bring up answers to most if not all your questions.

8) Avoid double-posting or mass-opening of threads.

9) Be as self-reliant as you can, it tends to irritate people to answer the same questions again and again, especially when they have already spent time to explain it previously or made a KB entry so that newcomers don't have to ask anymore.

However, if you still can't find the solution or get it to work, you'll find someone to help, but it's easier if you have shown a will to try by yourself first.

10) For your missions, you can do that using either Le Missioneur or Kreelin's Mission Builder, you'll find tutorials in the KB or with the program IIRC.



thanx you very much... im sorry if made a mistake coz i am still amateur/green horn for thiz.. thanx for your attention bro.. sorry.. forgive pleaze?2000x ;)

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First please do not flood the board with a ton of posts of question you can ask in one post. Also all your questions can be answer in the Knowledge Base.




As far as your questions on specific aircraft, The AlphaJet is not out yet. The Entendard is in the Falklands package and for the Rafael there isn't one that I know that I know of.


And what Gunrunner said too.


im sorry for my mistake.. thanx very much your attention bro... thanx U and sorry,2000x ;-)

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Copy,Roger that...thank you sir,.. im sorry if i made a mistake like that.. but thanx for your attention and information;-) sorry3000x...

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