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New Project - SAAF Ju52

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Early days


Edited by LloydNB

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SAAF Ju52s were ex-SAA, so the civilian model, as were the Ju86s. They were field modified to carry bombs, and painted in camouflage colours. I don't have any photos of Ju52s available, but I do have one or two of the JU86s. They appear to be wearing heavily weathered sand (or pale) coloured paint on the uppersurfaces, and possibly similarly-toned pale blue paint on the lower surfaces, with a straight feathered demarcation which is virtually imperceptible on B+W photos. Good luck!

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I presume that all eleven Ju-52s operate by SAA were pressed into service. Do you know the serial numbers and letters? I've found the following plate but all the photos I been able to find suggest and single colour. Then again its hard to tell in over exposed black and white film.


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Grief, no! No idea, I'm afraid. Is that scan from Piet Van Schalkwyk's SA Colours and Markings? If not, that might be a place to start.

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Time consuming but pretty rewarding. Is anyone interested in a plan silver Tante Ju?


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