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An up lifting experiance

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While on a routen mission today at 10,000ft,i found myself going into some heavy cloud.Now expecting to get tossed about and end up in a red haze like all the other times i've entered these white monsters i held my breath? but instead of going into a downard spin the aircraft went spining upwards.This is the first time this as happend,i gained 1000ft before getting it under control.As this happened to anyone else?

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Not yet!...but sounds like fun!!

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It has happened to a (real life) female parachute glider. She was lifted up so high,

she lost conciousness. She survived it though; woke up, when she was descending.

A colleague though, died in the same incident.

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Well now that's an odd one Red-Dog. I had a similar RL experience, but reveresed in direction. Many years ago in the USAF during one of our electronic intercept missions our RC-135 was flying along a large bank of towering storm clouds when we suddenly lost about 1,000' of alt in about 3 seconds, (apparently the result of vertical wind shear). I remember my stomach suddenly climbing up into my throat as I watched my scratch pad, pencil and coffee mug lift off the top of my work station and hover an inch or so above it before slamming back down. Scared the living be-jeebers out of me and the rest of the crew members as well. Our pilot called back to see if we we're all OK, and then added that he was pretty sure our navigator had wet himself.


Good times...good times.





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