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unusual Israeli F-4

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I have found this picture in an Israeli scale modeling forum. notice the middle kurnass. I have never seen this anywhere.

Looks like a F-4B/C/D to me.

all of the planes in the pic are "Kurnass 2000", so the earliest date this picture was taken should be somewhere in the late 80's. Anyone has further info about this?



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Here's an enlargement of the nose - obviously an original unretouched image....not. Who's kidding whom? I used to do Photoshop photo retouching for a living when I used to have a real job - want me to make it look more authentic?


I have some UFO photos too if you guys want to see 'em...



Edited by mppd

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Ohhhh the guy on the Modeling forum is going to be pissed.

He said he found this picture in a pile he had at home. lol.

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Makes for a decent What-if, but that's about all.

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April fools comes early in Israel. lol

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There were reports of F-4Ds and Js beind transferred to the IDF during the 1973 war, but no real evidence has ever emerged that this was true. Sorry to be such a spoil sport - the historical stuff just hits a sore spot!!


Thanks for the laugh though....



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i think it's a fake, the kurnass 686 is an F-4E.



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Quite a persistant rumour... but clearly a fake.

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once i saw in a journal review, that us navy in the late sixties gave, unoficialy, about 6 f4 b to IAf , in order to use in case of extreme emergency. the planes were fully capeable to use nuclear bombs, the famous "weapons of the Temple ", a capacity not present in export models of all the types.this capacity of arming nukes, is provided by special circuits and arming consoles.For example,here, in greece, the nato nuclear force was based in f104 until 1992, despite the presence of more modern and capeable types, such as f4e, mirage f1 and a7 and later f16 and mirage 2000.all the types above had not any arming panels for this type of attacks

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