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Tracer bullets

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Too bad there's no way to see the smoke trails from within the cockpit. It must have something to do with the same limitation that prevents you from seeing the prop spinning. I've modified the smoketrails so they appear VERY large when coming at you (better to see who's shooting at/near you) or when viewing your plane from an outside view. but you get nothing from cockpit view at all.


Any comments on this from the Dev's or anyone in the know? :dntknw:

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The main problem, besides not being able to see it much from the CP view is that it just doesn't last long enough to be able to see it very well. Also, Creighorn, all those shots are in low, stormy lighting, in brighter lighting I think you will find it even harder to see them.


No, I doubt there is much we can do about it, and it would be low on the priority list, but I appreciate all your input and experiments. You're welcome to use it any way you want. If you start changing the actual image size though, you might cause some problems, so best not mess with that.



Edited by rabu

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Maybe I missed something...I cannot figure out where I should put your tracer smoke files? What folder are they supposed to be installed into?



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Maybe I missed something...I cannot figure out where I should put your tracer smoke files? What folder are they supposed to be installed into?




I really don't remember, just select the main OFF folder and do a Windows search for "tracers" and it will show you the files "tracers," then right click and selct to go to the file location.

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Concerning the whole tracer thing, was the movie 'Flyboys' realistic in that regard etc, I've come across a mention in the book I'm reading (Jasta Boelke):


Kurt Jentsch wrote:


"...we were lucky enough to jump an English squadron. The white threads from the phosphorous ammunition criss-crossed the sky."


So it would seem it was a noticeable feature.

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McCudden mentions Albatros tracer smoke in 1917. I'm just reading it for the first time, and he didn't mention it earlier, tho absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.


"We turned away from them, and as soon as we turned they turned also, and commenced firing at long range, and fairly spoilt the lovely summer blue sky with their beastly white tracer-bullet smoke." (McCudden, Flying Fury p.184)


IMHO, I think "Flyboys" tracer was more like what one would see in WWII, and just too over the top for WWI. It was likely a corporate decision for the masses, and so Hollywood. Sort of like when Fox put the pink ring and blue tracer on the hockey puck during NHL broadcasts. It was universally hated!!!


BUT me thinks I'm off topic...

Edited by Venator

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