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It is workable. for i have tested for many times. you can have a test too, i think.



yes, TK said that the accuracy should be 0-100. but actually, tests shown that 125 will make the flak more accurate while 500 or so will make flak very inaccurate.


range finder 10 and ballistic computer 10 doesn't affect much to those flaks in tests actually. the bullets' distribution of flak is different from those which are not time-fused. additionally, accuracy seems not to affect the non-time-fused gun when used by a ground object. 


Well, I've been doing this for at least a week or two.... :cool: Actually, for seven years, so I have somewhat of a grasp as to what works and what doesn't. If you use a figure over 100 (let's say, 500), the engine interperts that as 50%. And while we're on the subject, there's a reason why some ground objects have an issue with accuracy, irregardless of either the gun data or object data values assigned to them. Maybe you can figure out why and tell us..... :grin:


Wrench...if you provide the answer, I will drive out to shakey town and kill you.... :yikes:

Edited by Fubar512
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Guest HoneyFox

Well, I've been doing this for at least a week or two.... :cool:   Actually, for seven years, so I have somewhat of a grasp as to what works and what doesn't.  If you use a figure over 100 (let's say, 500), the engine interperts that as 50%.  And while we're on the subject, there's a reason why some ground objects have an issue with accuracy, irregardless of either the gun data or object data values assigned to them.  Maybe you can figure out why and tell us..... :grin:


Wrench...if you provide the answer, I will drive out to shakey town and kill you.... :yikes:

That is interesting.... interperts it as 50%?



if it is 500, engine interperts it as 250%? but 250% is still too big, so again 50% of 250% is 125%, and again it becomes 62.5%.


but if i set it as 125%, it will be very accurate (more accurate than 100%). according to what you said, it should become 62.5% too. so it should be same as 500% but in fact, they are not.


i want to know how engine deal with accuracy actually...

Edited by HoneyFox
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The reason that most models (particularly ships), have issues with accuracy (at least in as far as it pertains to unguided ordnance), has to due with where the game engine calculates the trajectory of said projectiles from.


Unless a weapon's pitch & yaw axis is located precisely on the ground object model's dead center position (coordinates 0,0,0), that ground object's guns will always have a built-in level of inaccuracy, as this is where the ballistic calculations for said model are computed from. In other words, let's say that the farther away a gun mount is from a ship model's dead center position, the more inaccurate its gunfire (from that particular mount) will be. This was something that TK revealed to Capun (and a few others) several years ago.

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One thing i would suggest is download the WOV Gold campaign and see if you can find out what was done there. No joke, the AAA is now quite scary over certain areas and flying slow, straight and level at altitude will get you shot for sure.


I don't have a clue what they did but it's freakishly (and WAY more realistic) deadly.

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Oh, and before I forget, a value of "125%" in interperted as 91.5%, not 62.5 :grin:

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Damn, Ed, and I was gonna buy you dinner at my favorite steak house: Billingleys (yes, as Barbara Billinglsey was the original owner)


on a side note, WHY the frak would you be using "time fused" for an atry shell???



kevin stein

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Guest HoneyFox

Oh, and before I forget, a value of "125%" in interperted as 91.5%, not 62.5  :grin:

I dont get it.



how do you work out it?



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I have found the flak to be QUITE deadly actually.


Running SF2:V 12/09 with Expansion Pack 2.0 Gold, I've lost about 4 planes in one weekend (the ones actually being flown I mean, not AI).


A friend was playing single missions with an A-7 and got blown out of the air twice, having lost large sections of his airframe. And I was flying an A2A F-4 campaign, made it through about 5 or 6 missions in, was the only ace in the unit, promoted to 1st Lieutenant, had 2 medals, and was chasing this MiG 21 who was being rather stubborn, and a burst went off, and I saw the fire light come on. I was down around 8 to 9 thousand feet at the time, I tried to press on, then the mirrors filled up with an unholy conflagration, and I was DEEP in enemy territory. Throttling back to about 38% I tried to keep my speed up and head for the water. I didn't make it - detonated long before I got there.


Then I started an F-104 campaign and on the first mission, I was up against a MiG 17, around 14,000, had just pulled off a sweet guns kill (walked the rounds from his nose to tail and turned him into a fire ball, flak was going off all around, then an instant later, the plane was out of control. I look outside and I lost my V-Stab and both H-Stabs. I was not THAT close to the MiG at the time.


So yeah, aside from being eerie and atmospheric, I now truly fear it. All I can do is ignore it, try to get the mission done and hope, but that stuff is brutal, all it takes is a proverbial throw of the dice..... and my number likes to come up it seems. lol

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