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I was flying in a A-6 Doing a CAS mission and got hit by a few SAMs. I saw the "Telephone Poles?", and tried to move out of the way but it was much too late. Has this ever happened to somebody, and anybody prolly know why? :unsure:

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We all have been hit by SAM's and most of us have learned to hit the "R" key to find the site launching and if we dont have RWR we try to pick up the SAM as fast as possble then use some evasive moves to save our butts. You will get better at this in time.

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Oooh, I'm such an idot, I forgot to include one thing... There's usually a warning or some beeping noise that goes off. There was none, not even the slow beeping noise. Is RWR that beeping noise?

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Yes. When you hear it press R then look to that direction and find the SAM and do all this as fast as you can.

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Yes. When you hear it press R then look to that direction and find the SAM and do all this as fast as you can.


Ok thanks. One more Q, Does turning off your radar do anything? What do ECMs do too? BTW, if there is a place that explains these, uh can you tell me where?

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Ok thanks. One more Q, Does turning off your radar do anything? What do ECMs do too? BTW, if there is a place that explains these, uh can you tell me where?

Turning off your radar does not a damn thing. ECM Reduces the ability of SAM radars but you can still be locked if you get too far into their envelope and are flying predictable.

Edited by Lt. James Cater

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You won't get any in-cockpit warning if it's an infra-red SAM (SA-9/SA-13) or if it's a manpad (SA-7/Stinger, etc.). You will your hear wingmen call it out, though. Switching your radar off or on does nothing for you, other than deny you the use of radar. ECM may help at medium and long range, though chaff (and flares if it's an IR SAM) and maneuvering on two axis simultaneously are still usually required..

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Oooh, ok thank you guys. I remember it was a SA-9, I thought I was ok until I saw it was heading towards me, but by then I was SOL. I thought turning off your radar did something, guess not.

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Oooh, ok thank you guys. I remember it was a SA-9, I thought I was ok until I saw it was heading towards me, but by then I was SOL. I thought turning off your radar did something, guess not.



One other thing "i fight by 1"


The only "Stupid" Question, Is the one not asked......


(But just don't ask it over, and over and over........)

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Oooh, ok thank you guys. I remember it was a SA-9, I thought I was ok until I saw it was heading towards me, but by then I was SOL. I thought turning off your radar did something, guess not.


There isn't anything in game that will warn you of an infrared SAM launch except for your own eyes. There are a few systems that detect infrared SAMs IRL, but their effectiveness can be disputed. We had a thread around here the other day tlaking about it.

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