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Nuclear Fusion vs Nuclear Fission

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True, but there was a time long ago when some said nucs were not possible because of inability to produce enough.


HiGGs....Arthur Eddington I think, half jokingly said that he was certain the neutrino did not exist, but had no doubt physicists would be able to make them. I think he was kinda referencing the idea about quantum theory that observation creates results, or something like that. Pretty funny anyways.


I'm not saying you can't make it in large amounts. I'm just saying the LHC won't and can't. That's not its purpose. And just like anything else if you want to mass produce it you will need factories and lots of them. It is far more difficult to make enough antimatter for a bomb than it is to make weapons grade uranium, but if any world power put enough time and energy into it they could probably make enough in a few years.


Anti-matter has a lot in common with nuclear energy in that, it can be a great energy source, but it can also be a weapon of unbelievable destruction. Could you imagine what an antimatter bomb the size of little boy could do?

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Okay, why i say the nukes are widely senseless for military use?

Let take the advancing tank battallion as example. As i have learned it in the bad old time a soviet tank battallion consist of 31 vehicles. (3 vehicles/ platoon, 3 platoons + vehicle for company leader = 1 company, 3 companies + vehicle for battalion leader = 1 battallion)

Under the conditions of nuclear warfare the doctrine said, that 15 vehicles should be set maximum at 1km wide attack field, what means, that a battallion covers 2 km.

If you use a 10kt nuclear bomb to stop this advancing battalion you will have a destruction diameter of that weapon against tanks in the size of between 800 and 900 meters. What means that 60% of the tanks will survive and continue the attack. A simple mind will also come to this simple calculation: i need a destruction diameter that must be twice as high, also i need a weapon which has the dubbled strenght. In our example 20kt bomb instead 10kt.

Would be nice if this would be correct, but the problem of nuclear weapons is that the annihilation capability climbs not directly with the strenght of the weapon.

If i look at the charts i find, that a 20kt bomb will annihilate tanks i a diameter of 1100 - 1200 meters. To annihilate the advancing tank battalion you would need a bomb of nearly 100 kt. To come to a dubbled kill diameter i need a ten times stonger weapon! What a waste!

Not to count the size of the poissened territory which is useless for years. If you want to conquer and use nukes you will conquer a poissened radioactive land. If you want to defend your contry with nukes you will kill yourself.


Thatswhy nukes are only weapons of terrorism and useless for military.


You know I just realized that this is exactly why neutron bombs were invented. A neutron bomb is basically a standard Nuclear weapon that allows the radiation to escape instead of using it to make a larger explosion. Most of the killing power in a neutron bomb is through neutron radiation and not blast power. As you said most tanks would be able to survive the blast and keep moving, and the NBC gear would save the crews. A neutron bomb would kill the crews and actually leave most of the tanks intact.



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*oops* I meant at the beginning of WW2, it was said, correctly, that nuc weapons were not possible at least for any large scale use because there was no way to make enough weapons grade U. Of course that situation didn't last long. Same with anti-matter maybe?

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Supposed to be some special particle that if found means that a bunch of theories are right and if not found means that a bunch of theories are BS. That's what I took from it at least.

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