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Balloons - spontaneous combustion?

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Is it my imagination or do balloons (spotters) blow up - on their own - as you approch them? Are they being shot by their own AA as the aircaft nears?

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no, i have also seen this. The enemy AI does not fiddle around when our flight approaches a balloon, and shoots everywhere, eventually the own balloon - mission accomplished :biggrin:


No, i'd say it is a bug and - if possible - should be corrected.




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This appears to have appeared only in the latest patch.


And, yes, it happens to me on every balloon busting mission. The balloon explodes before I (or any of my wingmen) ever fire a shot.


There's usually another balloon somewhere close by, so I go and shoot that one down and I get the kill score.


Obviously a programming glitch somewhere.



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I had something similar happen to me. I was on a balloon busting mission and my flight was jumped by a superior number of Pfalz DIIIa’s just as I was approaching the balloon. I had one closing in on me but managed a good few bursts into it. To my chagrin it did not explode. I had to break and engage the EA all around the balloon. As I was dog fighting, out of the corner of my eye, I saw the balloon explode. I had the same thought you did. Was that flak or a delayed reaction to my gunnery? I downed the Pfalz, got shot up by others and limped home. I filed a claim for the Pfalz and “penciled in” a kill for the balloon. HQ has yet to inform me of their decision. 

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Yep,,,been happening to me too.....i kinda chaulked it up to flak....but guess thats not what was doing it..

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I always chalked it up to artillery from the other side. Very common to be taken potshots at the balloons with timed fuses. I was reading an account of one observer who had a bout with a gun they nicknamed (5 second charlie). I believe his balloon was shot down 3 times in one day before he finally was able to get up long enough to locate and call in a shoot on the gun.

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I don't think this is new. I had this happen to me quite often when I played the game straight out of the box. I reported this in the early days of bug reporting. I also think its the enemy ground fire firing haphazardly at you that causes this.


just my .02,



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IIRC this has been there since phase 1. It went away for a while, now seems to be back?

No big deal though.

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