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Canvas Wings

The Wingmen Who Would not Die!

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Anyone seen this?

I've seen posts from people losing wingmen, or coming to their aid and taking satisfaction that they seldom if ever lose a flight mate.

I'm flying DiD. But the pilots in my flight never die – any squadron, any time, as far as I can tell. They fight, they shoot down the enemy (but never put in a claim); and they come to my assistance in pinch, but they never die. Sometimes they get shot down alright, but they still show up for the next mission. If they are not flying with me they will sometimes score a victory and sometimes die permanently, but never when flying with me. –Whether I'm leading the flight or not.


When I finally twigged to this happening, I tested it out by shooting my flight leader down, right over the airfield. Twice. I made real sure I nailed him good – once he just exploded in mid air. The second time he caught fire, jumped, and I watched him hit the ground. Both times he showed up for the next sortie, apparently not even bearing a grudge.

It's not a problem, and doesn't effect my game at all, but it would fun to have the additional challenge of trying to keep your sortie mates in one piece.

Anyway –just wondering if anyone else if is flying with the undead. I "letter from the front" version of this in the topic – but it's long and a tongue in cheek, and has nothing to add to the above, so read it only if you have the time on your hands.

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On my last mission, all four of my flight were shot down. I went down from collision, but somehow survived. It was behind our lines and all low level (<300 feet agl). The flight leader showed as MIA at this point.

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Noticed the same thing CV. I was on a balloon defense mission just today. All 3 of my flight were shot down, one of which i saw first hand. I saw an albatross chasing one of my flight south away from the rest of the battle. I entered a gradual dive in attempt to over take them. I zoomed in as i approached and watched the german fighter shoot and tail my wingmate all the way to the ground where my poor friend blew up! I swiftly jumped on the enemies six and put him in with little reservation.


I returned alone to my airfield unaware as to what had happend to the other 2. But when the debrief screen had nothing to say about my lost companion. All 3 were up for flight readyness the next day. It's almost one of those things im glad is there. I lose 75% of my flight each mission. :blink: But that's usually fighting 2-1 if not 3-1 odds.


Anyway. long story short.


Ya! I've experienced that too. :dntknw:



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Although we can track all things that happen to all objects in all events, we currently do not use all that data everywhere in OFF (otherwise you would probably still be waiting for P3)


P4 maybe.


Use your imagination some and you'll be ok. Your wingmen could survive crashes as you do, plus they also may go on other flights that you are NOT involved in so imagine it is so. Turn labels off, that will help ;)

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Use your imagination some and you'll be ok. Your wingmen could survive crashes as you do, plus they also may go on other flights that you are NOT involved in so imagine it is so. Turn labels off, that will help ;)



No big thing, Polovski- it wasn't even a complaint or request -just an observation. I love this sim. And the occasional oddities one comes across, I consider unique character traits like the varied quirks of the individual aircraft of the period. Pure fun. Besides - lately several of my wingmen have actually *stayed* dead when I saw them go down.

I swear this sim is learning as it goes....

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I have to say, I've put my miraculous survival of some horrendous crashes/bullet-riddlings down to the historically accurate preponderance of cunningly camoflaged mattresses all over Flanders. These started appearing in early 1917, in the Arras area, once the Allied brass realised that their pilots were (a) getting offed in large numbers and (b) pretty cheesed off with not having parachutes. Tests on Salisbury Plain quickly ascertained that a falling pilot could be saved and therefore quickly returned to action, unharmed by his ordeal.


BH&H models this little known facet of the air war brilliantly.

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Lol, Src. Spoken like a true Lancastrian! Encountered a few of situations myself, and was VERY glad the MOD had let us use large mattresses (must be cheaper than parachutes)! to land on.

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