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Sky Captain And The World Of Tommorow

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Has anyone seen the trailer for this, it looks so cool! Jude Law fighting giant robots in a P-40, all made to look like a 1930's comic book. Check out the trailer here, you'll need quicktime btw.

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Sorry man, I thought the movie looked pretty gay. Never really was in to comic books though. Hell, I haven't even seen the X-Men movies.

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Reminds me of Crimson Skies. Actually a movie based on Crimson Skies would make more sense.


Sorry call me a spoiled sport but 1 P40 (which couldnt beat a zero alone much less futuristic titanium flying thingies) against futuristic robots? um huh?? LOL

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Man you guys don't know how to have fun I guess ;) :lol:

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Has anyone seen the trailer for this, it looks so cool! Jude Law fighting giant robots in a P-40, all made to look like a 1930's comic book. Check out the trailer here, you'll need quicktime btw.

I have to admit, I think it looks pretty dang cool. B) I reminds me of some of the old 40's sci-fi but the new CGI stuff makes it pretty unusual. It's nice to see something that is not a remake of something else for a change.

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