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Horizon Mod

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Ok a slight mod to the orig file so I guess this is ver 2


Ok I have a test run I would like a few of you to try out and see what you think. Please try this in all different weather and altitude variations. I have tried it on quite a few single missions up to 20K ft and its looking at least better than it did before.


Please drop me some info here and I will tweak it as we find any problems and I will repost some new variations.


THis should clear up some of the sky band problems and also it should let you be able to see a bit better in the worse weather missions. I may have gone to far in the weather idea but if we want I will add less visability.


Take off the NEW_ and also change the .txt to .ini


Remember to back up your original before doing any of this.



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I dont play first eagles but the enviro file is similar to WOI...have you'll tried cellinsky's sky mod...

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I dont play first eagles but the enviro file is similar to WOI...have you'll tried cellinsky's sky mod...


and yours is awesome :ok:

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Been trying this out FC. Looks pretty good. The improvement in the "Clear" weather sky is worth the price of admission. :good: Overall your mod looks much better than the stock "blue band". I haven't tried it in really fowl weather but so far so good.

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Where do I install this? The EnvironmentSystem is a .dll file located in the System folder. I cant open it.

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Where do I install this? The EnvironmentSystem is a .dll file located in the System folder. I cant open it.



It goes into your \First Eagles\Flight folder. Just rename the file to ENVIRONMENTSYSTEM.INI and you're good to go.

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Ya know, I've noticed this before but with this mod its much more evident. Sometimes the game doesn't render any horizon clouds at all. That seems to result in the ugly blue band even with this mod running. Glitch in the game or not? :dntknw: Regardless, your mod works pretty good Firecage. Thx.

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Glad it's working for everyone pretty well. I am still trying to tweak it a bit more for the extreme weather.

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Thank you Firecage, giving it a go right now.

Glad you had a start on it, I don't get much time anymore, so when I do, I like to fly high :drag: and drop the hammer!!!


Tailspin, isn't there a mod that puts 3D clouds out to the horizon? I use it in my SFP-1 WWII installs...


As far as flying in the crummy weather, I've just eliminated those percentages. It seriously gives me a headache.

Also, historically they really didn't do much of that unless there was a big push on and the brass needed to know where the lines were.


Great to see folks coming together to get it done!

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BB, there are a lot of great sky mods for the rest of the series. Its my understanding the don't work well in FE due to differences in the terrain map (somebody jump in here with the right dope, please :wink: ). IIRC third party Horizon Cloud textures work OK and look good but since the EP the blue band has appeared under the horizon clouds. :rolleyes:


Also, like you, when I go outside and we're "socked in" I just turn around an go back to the barracks. :yes:

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If I may ask, and if it is easily identifiable, what sections of the ini are you tinkering with to tame the 'horizon band'?


I like what you're doing with the horizon, but some of the other atmospherics I've seen since trying out your mod I don't prefer, such as the burnt orange sky at dawn. I prefer the dawn sky from my old envirosys.ini (and I'm embarrassed to say I'm not sure which mod I'm using, ahhh!).


If you can point to certain section(s) where you've tweaked, please let me know so I can try to blend the two together to get the best of both mods.


Thank you.

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