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OMG 8 yr old, divorces 50 yr old

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jeez! - something else that makes me feel sicker than that swine flu ever will!

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How come i don't feel surprised anymore about things like this?


Not to sound nationlistic, but at least here in the US we can hope to nail the pricks involved for molestation.

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Aye, this is no surprise! After all, the Prophet of Islam himself married a child, Aisha, when she was only 6 or 7 years old and consummated the marriage when she was 9. Islamic law, like all law is based on precedent and so in the country that is the birth place of Islam, not odd at all (in their eyes) that such a thing occurs, after all to say it is wrong would be dangerously close to questioning the Prophets morality.


I fully understand why the Mount Carmel raids had to happen, to save children from such marriages to adults, David Koresh included. Had they been allowed to continue and been able to grow into an established religion, with their own countries and laws, this would be the result... a horrendous situation that no one can do anything about, just sit by and keep buying the oil, selling the military hardware and turn our heads away from the things that we don't want to see.


If this is political in any way, feel free to rebuke, alter, delete as you see fit. Personally I think it is a whole other world above politics, it is more about human decency.

Edited by Kopis n Xiphos

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