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OT: Goodbye to the big ones

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Bought that Spitfire in 1986, and the Hurricane and Messerschmidt in 1989, I think.

I have three boxes full of unbuilt model kits, and as I want to upgrade my rig a lot,

I decided now to offer them at Ebay.

But I had to make a last sentimental photograph of them. I'm sure, some of you had

these models too.



Edit: just realised - I forgot to shave today! Ah, the ease of Sunday...

Edited by Olham

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Models of those? You bet! But not that scale! I hope you get what you need for your upgrade. Every pfennig (I know you don’t have those anymore) helps.

As far as shaving goes, I do that once a week. I hate shaving AND having a beard.



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Classic kits. I hope you get your price. I' ve not seen Airfix in that scale over here. Mostly 1/72 stuff on occasion.

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I was into plastics a number of years ago. But after going over to mostly WW1 models, I've found I like the old-style wood frame kits better. Guillows always made good ones, as did Comet.

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