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Windows 7 64-bit

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Just a quick word to those who may be wondering/worrying. I am seeing an immense improvement with both. Running Off max settings, almost no jaggies at all. Sim is running smooth as glass. I am absolutely pleased and astonished. I must say my performance has at the very least doubled.




These are my specs.




Maximus Formula


Q9300 @ 2.60 GHz


8 gigs of OCZ reaper


2 HD3870 X fire mode. Direct X 11 running @ 1920 x 1080



2 x WD raptors Raid 0






Sorry forgot to add I was using vista when I switched over.

Edited by FenrisWlf

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Good Evening Fenris,


Yuppers, a 64-bit OS makes a world of difference. I've been running XP 64 Pro since I built my OFF computer and it is lightning fast.





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Good Evening Fenris,


Yuppers, a 64-bit OS makes a world of difference. I've been running XP 64 Pro since I built my OFF computer and it is lightning fast.






I was using vista 64 when I switched to windows 7 64. Just to make myself clear.


And good evening to you as well.

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Well, how's it feel being a 'Lab Rat'? . . Not you but your fancy new computer sure is. If you're maxed out, you're boldly going where no man has gone before. Everything looks fine NOW . . check in a few days. As none know what is around the next corner. The Developers have stated: 'Don't exceed 4 on Terrain' Do they have a reason for printing it in the FAQ or not ? We'll See


Yup, well aware of that. But what the hell. Ive always had terrain on 4 and clouds on 3 before. In phase 2 and 3 on the vista system. I don't think anything will blow up. If it starts to sag Ill change it. I tried it on my old system but it protested right off the bat. Actually same system, new OS.



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*****sigh***** no multiplyer in windows 7


is there not?...why is that m8?

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is there not?...why is that m8?


I can answer this one as sitting_duck and I did extensive testing with Win 7 and Multiplayer a few weeks back.


Unfortunately, while you can get into the lobby and see the game that is being hosted, once you try and select your side, you will get an error and the game won't let you get any further. I tried every different combination of Windows Compatibility setting and various other tricks, but none of them would work.


My only option was to load up OFF under my Windows XP partition.


The error message seems to indicate that there are problems in various xml script files located in the "dialogs" folder. My guess is that Microsoft has changed some of the xml handling in Windows 7, and what used to work fine in earlier OS's in the past, is now *broken* in Windows 7, or at least is for the time being. I did some digging into those xml files and I can see the exact line entry that causes the error, but I can not see a way to fix it, but then xml coding is not really my strong suit either.




Edited by Madmatt

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