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Correct setup of TrackIR increases Kills

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Having not worried too much about setting TIR up in the past (just used the default values) I was forced into doing some tweaking, by annoyances with Jerkiness and inability to look around my Cockpit etc at 360 degrees with smoothness.


After reading Homeboys excellent tuitorial on setting up TIR, I downloaded his Aces profile (just to see what this profile lark involved)


It wasn't designed to be used in OFF...but what a revelation!!...the rear view was a bit weird, but that was to be expected...but the rest worked really well, and opened my eyes to the importance of profiles.


I have edited my own, so I get a kind of snapshot to front for shooting, and nice, smooth panning..which is great, and suits me well enough for now...took about 5 mins!


After three missions, I have to say, my Kill rate has increased!...possibly, because I feel more confident, that TIR is going to respond in the way I think it will...because I have told it too!.... the default profiles are not very good IMHO...and with a bit of work, you can make your own far better!!

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Yes, I did mine right after trying the presets - none of them seemed "aggressive" enough.

I left the front bit slow as it was more or less, sides faster, and the last bit to check six

really fast. Needs to get used to first, but then it's like you're not a day over twenty (Lol!)


Also very useful; especially in "nervous" craft like the Dr.1: "precision" - put that on a joystick

button. When you press that, your "neck and body will stiffen up" (all moves very slow; so you

aim and shoot better). If you press it again, all normal, for quick checks.

Edited by Olham

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Yes, I tweaked all my settings for better and smoother head movement..........However, I still can't shoot any dang better! :wacko:

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Mine was just delivered today, so I'm just playing around right now but hope to get it tweaked soon. So far I really like it, I just tend to lean too far to the sides. :biggrin:



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After reading Homeboys excellent tuitorial on setting up TIR,


Could you post a link to that thread? I got the TrackIR 4, downloaded the TIR 5 software...and for a host of reasons, consider it more an annoyance that a boon.

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Could you post a link to that thread? I got the TrackIR 4, downloaded the TIR 5 software...and for a host of reasons, consider it more an annoyance that a boon.


HB: Give it a chance, I felt the same way at first, but after getting it adjusted and figuring out that I had the unit too close, etc., I began to get used to it and then really started getting amazed at what a difference it makes.

I also just got Test Drive Unlimited and am going to try out my TIR3 in it, which it's compatible with as well.


UKW and Olham: could you maybe post your settings file here for others to try out? I'd like to see what you came up with too, sounds interesting.


Also, please post the link to Homeboy's tutorial for everyone.



Edited by rabu

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UKW just discovered what long-time TIR users have known forever (Welcome to the 21st Century, UKW :hi: ): You've gotta tweak TIR until it works comfortably for you in each sim/game you play.


A lot of that is trial and error, not simply copying someone else's profile (although that's a very good starting point).


My profile probably won't work best for you, nor yours for me (I tend to use way too much body English, others may be better at holding still).


The profile that works "perfectly" for you in one sim won't be perfect in another. That's why TIR allows you to set different profiles for different games.


This is a very good tweaking tutorial I've found useful in the past:




Hope it's of some use to others.


And here's Homeboy's tutorial, also quite good:




Each contains a sample profile and they are quite different. I suggest dowloading, installing and trying both to compare and contrast and customize (season to taste). QC is very handy for testing.


Happy Holiday to all my fellow Yanks, BTW. A three-day weekend for tweaking TIR!





Edited by tttiger

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UKW just discovered what long-time TIR users have known forever (Welcome to the 21st Century, UKW :hi: ): You've gotta tweak TIR until it works comfortably for you in each sim/game you play.


A lot of that is trial and error, not simply copying someone else's profile (although that's a very good starting point).


My profile probably won't work best for you, nor yours for me (I tend to use way too much body English, others may be better at holding still).


The profile that works "perfectly" for you in one sim won't be perfect in another. That's why TIR allows you to set different profiles for different games.


This is a very good tweaking tutorial I've found useful in the past:




Hope it's of some use to others.


And here's Homeboy's tutorial, also quite good:




Each contains a sample profile and they are quite different. I suggest dowloading, installing and trying both to compare and contrast and customize (season to taste). QC is very handy for testing.


Happy Holiday to all my fellow Yanks, BTW. A three-day weekend for tweaking TIR!






Thanks, TT

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I can´t open "profile" file using a web browser (right click on the file and select Open With and then select Internet Explorer). Please advise me, thank you. I want to try Homeboys Aces profile and OFF profile.

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I can´t open "profile" file using a web browser (right click on the file and select Open With and then select Internet Explorer). Please advise me, thank you. I want to try Homeboys Aces profile and OFF profile.


Forget the web browser (where did you get that from?)


Open TrackIR on your desktop by clicking on the TrackIR shortcut icon.


Click the Profiles tab. You'll see a whole list of profiles including any that you downloaded and added.


Select a profile


Click Edit


When you're done, click OK.


That's it.


My personal preference was the profile by Carvel (mission4today link) with quite a few modifications I made to to smooth it so it's not so nervous.


I found Homeboy's profile to be much too aggressive and jumpy for me. But, as I said, in a dogfight, I tend to move around a lot in the cockpit so I need a slower profile :dntknw:


I also de-selected Roll as an axis. Works better without it.


But that's just for me. Your mileage will vary.


I'm still using TIR3 with Vector and it works just fine. I passed on TIR4 because there wasn't much improvement, according to all the reviews I read. TIR5 sounds tempting, tho.



Edited by tttiger

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Thank you very much ttiger!

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