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Virtual Cockpits. How Are They Used?

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I have had FS2004 for a few months now, and have yet to understand what the virtual cockpit is for, and how it is used.


All I know about it is when I go through the various views I see it, but have NO clue how to look around when in that selection.


Come on shipmates, educate me!


(Marine Corps types....please try to refrain from the usual wisecracks, heh, heh!)


Navy Chief

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Hey guys, haven't had the game long (Christmas) but from what I can tell, the VC mode is suppose to be a more "real representation" of the planes cockpit. In regular cockpit mode, using my hatswitch to look around causes a snap look while in VC mode the hatswitch causes a smooth panning motion. It's possible to pan up down left or right, and just tapping the space key will return you view to the front of the plane without having to pan back.

Another thing, if you have a TrackIR, you must be in VC mode for it to work. This is probably because of the panning mode that is enabled while in VC mode. Since I got both a TrackIR and FS2004 for Christmas, it has been great fun just flying around and trying different things and seeing how they work. It's fantastic, and I'll be real glad when the LockOn patch comes out so I can try the TrackIR with it.

Sorry about going on about the TrackIR, but it's just a supper cool toy that has really added to the enjoyment of flight simming. Anyway, hope this helps in some way, and I'm sure there may be more to it than that, but that's what I've seen so far :D

By the way, when I'm in VC mode, I usually drop my magnifacation back to .75 which gives a better FOV. It's the minus (-) key.

Now, if I can figure out the NAV/VOR stuff...

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Thanks Boltz


I would like to get Track IR someday, but I want to become more skilled at things before I invest the cash. There is so much to learn, and now Patch #2 for SFP1 is almost here!


You know, my wife gets more than a little upset about all the time I spend on the computer. She swears I am secretly having chat conversations with women (yeah right, like they would be interested in an old fart like myself). It ain't happenin'.


But I do fly a lot on the sims, and when Patch #2 gets here for SFP1, I will be in REAL trouble with the wife. She'll have to pry my fingers off these controllers!!!


Keep'em flyin', shipmates!


Navy Chief

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No problem guys. Like I said, there may be more, but that's what I got so far.

Also Chief, I know what you mean about computer time and the misses. I just remind her that this is a hobby, and she knows exactly where I am, and she is welcome to "hang" over my shoulder anytime she likes. She reminded me that she is a systems administrator, wants me to enjoy my hobby, and if she wants to know where I've been or what I'm doing online, it would be no problem for her to find out ;)

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Boltz you got it..it's from my understanding to make the experience more real.and Chief would you EVER get a wisecrack here? :D

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Hey Dagger


Of course I would expect wisecracks, but that's only because folks like me, right? Heh, heh....



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