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Lovin' Erikgen's RF-101B! (Dave didn't build it)

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I am a big Voodoo fan, and along with playing the thirdwire games all the time, I do alot of 1/48 model building. The Monogram RF-101B was one of my first models back in the early 90's, and I have always thought the RF-101B was the best looking (although not alot were converted) F-101 version.


So I am spending alot of time flying it (and taking lots of recce pics).


Thanks Dave for that conversion!!!

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Dude I had nothing to with making it. It was all erikgen.


McDonnell RF-101B Voodoo v 1.0 By Erikgen


FM by Column5


Testing by mppd and USAFMTL <-------That's me.


But yes its the meanest looking version in my opinion.

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  Dave said:
Dude I had nothing to with making it. It was all erikgen.


McDonnell RF-101B Voodoo v 1.0 By Erikgen


FM by Column5


Testing by mppd and USAFMTL <-------That's me.


But yes its the meanest looking version in my opinion.

lol my bad to ERIKGEN then!! And everyone who puts out this stuff!

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N.P. krgf15, the most important thing is that you and other peoples are enjoying it.

Thank you.

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  76.IAP-Blackbird said:
love those voodoos, never knew how big this bird was.. thx for it!

I have always loved the Canadian Voodoo. Silver with lightning bolts down the sides. Fast and dangerous. Lots of thunder and noise....................Woooowooo!

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I do have a question, and it might seem dumb, but ill ask anyway.


I have read about the 101's pitchup problem. So I was wondering if it was the simulated part where the nose automatically comes up when you are approaching transonic speeds, or when I pull hard on the stick and the nose swings up hard and stalls real easily.

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