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Win XP 64bit

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I can get a secondhand Win XP 64bit software for a cheap price, so: 


Who is running a Win XP 64bit computer?


Are there any problems here if you are running combatflysims like OFF3?


Did you have any software and driver conflicts?     





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Windows XP 64-bit is a stripped down version of Windows 2003 server with the XP GUI. As such, you'll find that driver support for common consumer hardware is extremely limited. I ran it for a while and while I didn't have any major problems, the lack of drivers for things like sound cards and wireless NICs became too annoying. At this point in time, you are better off going with Vista 64 SP2 or using the Windows 7 Release Candidate for a year or so for free and then purchasing a copy.

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i have it..only cause i wanted more than 4gig ram, and im too lazy to learn vista.


But like said,,the driver support is an issue, so you have to take a good look at what you plan to put on there, and make sure you have drivers...


My old computer had a brand new Linksys wireless card with speedboost, and when i put it in this one i could NOT fine drivers that worked for it....so until i got my own internet, i had to keep my old computer running, and it shared its internet with this one thru a hardwire....


And i have a saitek joystick,,,admitedly on older version (x45), and cant get the profile software to work with that either. Im not even sure if i get the newer one (x52) there is a package out there that will work.


As long as this post is up, would appreciate knowing if there are performance improvements on vista64 over xp54.


Aside from the drivers issues, everything runs great, i just cant tell you if it would run better under a different os.


Quick note on win7,,,,at this point in time, mp will not run under it. If you never plan to do mp (which would be a shame,,,,,,), then its not an issue

Edited by sitting_duck

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I have windows xp x64 sp1 the only problem I'v had with it so far is, I cant use my tv tuner card no x64 driver support. Other than that it's great. It runs everything els that the 32 bit does. My experience with vista x64 was a bad one. Although some people still use it. I will never use it again no difference in performance that I could detect its just the severe lack of compatability vista x64 has. This is only my opinion I'm not bashing,flaiming or inviting arguement.

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Thanks Lou, I read in your reply that also the performance will get a to a higher level, so that will be positive.

I'm only will use the XP64 (I do not like Vista) for playing Combatflysims. Still I do not know if OFF3 can run on this.

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Dutch, I have been running OFF3 on XP Pro 64 since I got it and works great!





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